Additional Links


Grave Sites and Obituaries: Pictures of and transcripts from headstones and obituaries of Swain family members and associated families.


Letters and Documents: Letters and transcripts from correspondences and newspaper clippings regarding Swain and associated family members, their businesses, homes and travels.


Swain Family Tree: Comprehensive family tree including all member of the Swain family descending from William Swayne c. 1560.


Surname List: Complete list of all surnames in The Swain Project.


Index: Complete list of all family members, homes, businesses and organizations included in The Swain Project with links to individual fact sheets.


Links: A list of sites related to Philadelphia area history and genealogical resources.


Contacts: A place for questions or comments regarding the content of this site or information on navigating the site.  Please contact us if you find any errors in our research, have information you feel may be useful to the project or to report difficulties or errors in the functionality of the site.  And as always, feel free to contact us with your opinions.


Resources: As an ongoing project of in depth research the Swain project has resourced and sited a number of institutions and websites.  They are included to give thanks to those who have aided in this project and as a resource for additional research.





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