Horse Jumping
Horse jumping is so much fun for everyone. You have the thrill of soaring over a jump and landing to look back and see the pole still in the jump cup. It isn't hard to jump but it is sure dangerous. You must always wear you helmet and any safety gear you can! It is also easy to train your horse how to jump. First to start off train your horse to trot over trot poles.
Then once your horse has mastered that step ( meaning with lots of practice) You can move the jump height up. But remember slow and gradual, your horse MUST master each height before going up, or else it could be dangerous for both horse and rider. Then you can go onto the different types of jumps like oxers etc. But remember to keep your horse safe and not to rush him/her. It could take about 5 months to reach a jump height of maybe 2'6" (For some horses).  To protect you horse there are many types of leg wraps like in the picture below..
There are two types of jumping, stadium and cross country. They are both fun but need equal amounts of training.  So have fun practicing and have fun in the show ring good luck!!
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