CHRISTOPHER - December 21, 2001
You are certainly pajama'd greatness in your cozy bed
Symphonic twists of breath as you tumble down from the day.
You're precious in every way, sleeping gem;
Among every arc of flannel tucked between your knees
Is another facet at yet untouched,
Another treasure to behold.

My ode to you, beloved,
Becomes you;
Like candlelight wrapping around your body
Flames kissing the curve of your collarbone, turning
And licking the corners of my eyes
As they seal;
The curtains drawn on our joint-microcosm -
There is nothing else when there is you.

How our hands knit like leaves of grass do!
The cushioned stalks of autumn harvests,
Meeting at every seam
Like a loom, weaving to create something bigger
Than its components.
Form, smooth as the night sky
Upon which I might paint a million little stars
Like hopes of every, any future you.

Made to comprehend, as you wrap yourself in sleep
Kissing your brow, turn down the final licks of flame
I've set our stars weaving for us
A blanket of hope, my gem.
And in your quiet slumber, beloved,
At any, every departure, know that you have my word.
I wonder
Does he play in Heaven?

I know that the angels he would entertain
In his own angelic grace gliding
Over silver keys and rapture-spun melodies...

As an angel himself,
Would he become the resident musician?
Idling away his blissful days working his lithe
Elegant fingers up and down the wooden shank
Easing out the music that flowed freely
When human breath passed thorugh the shaft?
Oh, what astounding beauty
Would Godly breath produce.

Somewhere in the world a young clarinetist
Steps nervously to the stand
Sweating cold, praying harder
And the angel Christopher smiles
And watches over the young musician
Working diligently to become
As good as he was.
You look me in the eye and
  Tell me "yes."
You don't say a word because
  You're afraid.
But now I've got you upside-down;
  Does that mean the world ends tonight?
Your lips part once to say
  You've missed me while I've been here.
But now I've got you upside-down;
  You've nowhere to go
And months later you'll tell me so.
UPSIDE-DOWN - February 2, 2001
I love to hear him play.

The sound of his instrument singing cuts through many thousands of other little sounds hanging dead in the air and lands square on my soul.  It vibrates at a frequency that only I can feel; as it echoes though me, millions of elated screams call out on a cellular level and my whole being begins to hum with the notes he produces.  I love to hear him play - it cuts right though to caress my soul.
"Shadow Portrait" ~ Photo by KCE, 2001
"Survey" ~ Photo by KCE, 2001
Ask me
    If I've ever tasted a trickle of day
    Risen from a simple medium
    Or gone upstairs...
Ask me
    If I've ever faced love
    If I've ever reached its golden end
    Or if I've gone unforgiven.
Ask me
    If I've ever skated on halcyon clouds
    Enveloped myself in pink skies
    Or felt pain...
Ask me
    If I've danced naked in the rain
    Drawn life from the waves
    Bitten into a peach; let the juice run down my chin
Ask me
    And to each, if I knew where to begin
    I would have to reply
    "In the most delightful way."
PAJAMA'D GREATNESS - September 11, 2000
ASK ME - March 12, 2001
I'm standing along the perilous edge
Of a great and infinite, indeterminate gorge
But jumping does not guarantee death;
I could just as well sprout wings and fly.
JUMPER - January 1, 2002
more to come!
Take me home!!
[email protected]
AS THERE IS (THE FORGOTTEN ME) - February 6, 2002
There is forgiveness and there are mistakes;
Just as there is honey and there is ice.
Just as there is tacit and there are dances
As freedom and slavery,
As fear and sufficiency...
As subjection and there is trouble when
You fail to see that I have failed to see that there is
More to life than settling for what's second best
(Or worse yet, a harbinger for harm)
I have learned to rise above that.
Do you see my wings?
I spread my wings and fly.

Just as there is freedom.

Just as there is God and there is you.
"La Forge Windows and Windowseat, W. Watts Sherman House" ~ Photo by KCE, 2001
AGE SEVEN - May 14, 2001

I'm about to be found out
Because he feels the Oreo crumbs
Creeping down the back of his neck from that
Cookie that I just beaned him off the head with.
They're itching him and he's scratching
With his happy little boy hands
(He doens't know that I think I am in love with him)
I turn my thoughts to chasing him
Around the playground at recess, and fantasied
That should I catch him, I'll kiss him SMACK
Right on the life.
My friends told me that boys have cooties
But I don't believe one word they say.
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