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Founding Members

Harmony Curl
Image of me can be found here.
Born on June 2, 1985, in Hollywood, Florida, Harmony moved to Western New York
when she was eight years old. Home schooled since second grade, she began her
first semester at Niagara County Community College at the age of 17, and joined the
Spirit newspaper as an intern the following year, where she met the Managing Editor,
Alicia. The following year, she became Copy Editor, and met the Spirit's new Photo
Editor, Jennifer Hoffman, who also had in interest in the paranormal. Though she
doesn't attend classes at NCCC anymore, Harmony and Jen remained committed to
investigating the paranormal and gathering any evidence of hauntings possible.
She now lives in Sanborn, New York where she works at a smokeshop called Gail's,
which is coincidentally haunted. In her spare time, when not ghost hunting, she enjoys
anime, going to conventions, cosplaying, LARPing, video games, sewing, going to clubs
and concerts, reading, writing, and starting her own LARP with Eric Carr out in AZ. When
last checked, Harmony could be found in Arizona, sitting at her computer and planning
out a LARP instead of ghost hunting like she should be.

Jennifer Hoffman
Image of me can be found here.
Born on April 3, 1986, in Lewiston New York. born and raised in New York Jennifer dose
not care much for public schooling, she went to Niagara Falls High School and
then started going to NCCC in the fall of 04. she was taking under the wing of
The Spirit newspaper staff. Jennifer and Harmony hit it off as friends right
away. Jennifer started talking openly about what was going on in her house and
how she thought it was haunted, it was then that she learned that Harmony and
Alicia where interested in the same stuff she was.even tho Jenifer is no
long in classes at NCCC she and Harmony still get out and do some investigating.
In her spare time, when not ghost hunting, she enjoys watching anime, drawing,
reading,LARPing, video games, sewing, and one thing she cant live with out is
Inuyasha. if you try to contact her she well more then likely be on the computer
typing out another fun packed chapter for her Inuaysha Fan Fiction or taking
care of any of the animals in the house, as of now Jennifer has 2 dogs, 4
ferrets, 2 birds, 2 frogs and tons of fish.

Alicia Lucas
Image of me can be found here.
Born September 23, 1979, in Lockport, New York, and raised in Gasport, New
York. I've lived in New Jersey and in Georgia. I graduated from Barker High
School in 1998, and along my long journey since graduation, (that included some
very crazy situations), I started attending Niagara County Community College as
a Music major in 2001. I switched curriculum and became a Liberal Arts major in
2003. Soon thereafter I became managing editor of The Spirit newspaper and that
is when I met Harmony Curl and Jennifer Hoffman. During one of our random
conversations we all realized we had a strong common interest in the world of
the paranormal and how cool it would be to explore it together. Harmony and I
ran off and did maybe one or two investigations together, but once I stopped
attending NCCC due to some really serious issues in life, I lost touch with
Harmony and Jennifer. Nowadays since all is good, I like to compose music, sing
karaoke, get into silly adventures with my friends, watch anything on cartoon
network, try to maintain an increasing collection of vinyl and The Twilight
Zone, and spend time with my dog.


Dan Genek
sadly he still will not make an bio...maybe in a year or so i'll get him to do it :)

Eric Carr
Image of me can be found here.
I was born in Jacksonville, North Carolina...July 4, 1978. My dad was
military, so I've lived in a lot of places. I spent about 12 years in Georgia
before moving up to New York in 1996, then to Arizona in 2006. My interests
include games (especially LARP and DDR), languages, and the "occult". I say
"occult" in quotations because I believe the word merely describes unconfirmed

Melanie Minuto
My name is Melanie Minuto. I have spent, some would say wasted, most of my life
in Batavia Ny. I have been intrigued by the occult all of my life. I have
chosen the religion of Akashic Witchcraft for myself about ten years ago. I
have spent all of my life seeing and feeling things that most cannot.
I have a big interest in Anime. My favorite shows are Yu Yu Hakusho, Gantz, and Hellsing.
My favorite tv show is a brittish comedy called Red Dwarf.
I love all kinds of games, but mostly the kind that you can sit around a table
with friends and use your imagination. I am also a member of a LARP group
called Midland, midevil re-enactments. My tabletop game of choice is D&D,
right now we are playing 3.5. My card game of choice is Magic the Gathering. I
have run Star Wars table top, and Vampire LARP from time to time.
My nickname is Mellie, I prefer that to the other name.

B a c k
E v i d e n c e | H o m e | I n v e s t i g a t i o n s | L i n k s
E q u i p m e n t | R e s o u r c e s | F o r u m
|S u b m i t E v i d e n c e| 1
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