Questions & Answers
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What is karate?

An unarmed or empty handed method of self-defense, stressing punching,
kicking and blocking,

What does the word karate mean?

The word karate is made up of two Japanese words:
"kara" meaning empty and "te" meaning hand. So the word karate simply means empty hand,

What is Karate-Do?

The word "Do" means "the way", Karate-do means: the way of karate,
Or karate as a way of life. It refers to the ability to use your skills
acquired through karate in your everyday Life. That is, the ability to
use your awareness, calmness, passiveness, confidence and mental stamina
and strength.

What is Uechi-ryu karate?

A classical Chinese-Okinawan system of self-defense.


Refers to the ability to use your study of Uechi-ryu karate in your
everyday life. To live your karate,

Where was karate first introduced and by whom?

Okinawan Karate was first introduced to Japan by Gichin Funakoshi
who studies a form of Chinese boxing during the late 1800's, Funakoshi's
style of karate was later named Shotokan,

What country is considered to be the birthplace of the martial arts?


What is the Chinese name for the system of karate we now study [Uechi-Ryu)?

Pangai-noon (pwonq-gay-noon) meaning half-hard half-soft.

When was the name Uechi-Ryu first used?

Autumn 1940, the students of Pangai-noon-ryu Karate-jutsu kenkyu-jo
(Pangai-noon Karate study Hall), rename the style "Uechi-ryu"
and give Kanbun (63) the title of Grandmaster,
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