Straight from their mouths
Nikki, Heather, Meghan
"Here's my favorite joke: Yesterday I flew from Florida to Europe, my arms are still hurting." And I wonder why everyone thinks Brian's the funny one. Its a good thing he's good-looking and a talented singer cuz his wit wouldnt get him very far. I have no words for this except: DUMBASS!
"Howie's making up his own wordse." Nick honey, morse code is not Howie's made up language *wink wink* Howie's a Puerto Rican. What do you expect him to do? He can't just communicate with winks.
"I have a new puppy called Houston cuz we bought her when we were in Houston!" Wow Nick, very creative.  This is coming from the kid who named his dog Mikey (after Michael Jordan) cuz he could jump high. Well when we have kids, I'll be sure to name them. lol. Although, Hospital Carter does have a nice ring to it. Original. If I ever become famous and I needed a name for a self-titled CD, I will call you Nick.
"No, I've never had sex with a fan." Shucks, get my hopes up and everything. Well, there's a first time for everything.  That's not what you said last night.
"I have never slept with a girl before cuz I think sex is a combination of love." *Stares at computer blankly then laughs uncontrolably*  Wow, your hand must be sore.

"This is my brother Bill and my brother Phil.  Don't make 'em angry!" Meg, remember when we would see that quote all the time before we watched All Access and be like 'what are they talking about? AJ's an only child.' Mmmkay, moving along then.
"Same receding hairline." Said after looking at a baby picture of himself. Well, at least he's not in denial. Maybe Kevin could help him out by donating some of his eyebrow hair for a transplant. You may have a receding hairline, but I would lick it anyday.
"I hate clowns.  They freak me out!" OMG!  Me too!  Wanna get married? Okay, so Howie won't be at the wedding.
"Why do men have nipples?  For girls to kiss!" Amen to that brother! lol, I never really thought about it that way, but now that I have, AJ has very kissable nipples. lol. Mmmm *drools thinking about kissing AJ's nipples*
"We'll go anywhere or do anything for our fans." This was during the making of "Anywhere For You" and AJ was told to describe the video.  Very creative I say.  'And All I Have To Give is about us saying all we have to give is the fans.' Anything huh? hmm....
"Oh my gosh!  Howard!  Censor!" This is my favorite Brian quote of all time.  If you haven't seen All Access, go get it...NOW! This is the funniest thing that Brian has EVER said. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that. I love him.
"I like a girl with a good head on her shoulders." And a huge rack on her chest. Well, I think we all know that what he meant to say was: "I like a girl with A head on her shoulders, AND huge boobs."
"Actually, I have to say I don't believe in having a sexual relathionship outside of marriage." Well boy did you pick the wrong girl. Why'd he pick Leighanne? She's old and fake, and she doesn't even deserve him! Well, on the brighter side, he didn't say anything about staying married to her, and getting re-married (to me!) I have a tiny bit more of a chance now!
"If we've been to a scary movie or something and we're sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in, Nick will go, 'It's dark in here, isn't it?' and he's not trying to be funny, he means it!" Hey, stop pickin' on my boy! I can totally see Nick doing this, then Brian scaring the crap out of him. lol. I love Frick n Frack.
"Throw your hands in the air...and shake your derriere!" For some reason, even if he said 'Throw your hands in the grass' I still think he'd end with 'and shake your derriere!" I love him, just to remind anyone that may have forgotten! This quote is one of my favorites, just because it makes me think of his cute lil derriere! And I definatly agree with Nikki.
"You have to be really patient to work with us cuz sometimes some of our attention spans can kinda wander." Uh, that doesn't make sense.  An attention span is how long you can pay attention for. Lucky he's got his looks I'm sorry, Kevin is hot, but when he opens his mouth and says somthing like this it just brings it down a notch..
"I used to sing to the trees." And Nick sang to the flowers.  Figures the two freaks would find eachother. Okay, just imagine what that looks like--singing to trees. Would that not be the funniest thing you could ever see? lol
"He's my cousin.  We've been in the group for about four years now, but he's my cousin.  I've known him all my life." Someone shoot me NOW! I don't know if you can even get the full effect of that quote without hearing it because there is no way to type as slow as he speaks.
"Canadians have those cute little accents, eh?" What you call cute, I call dumb. Well, he probably only thinks they're cute cuz they sound like his, slow and simple. veeery simple.
"The five of us our alone by ourselves." You mean you're not alone together? lol, again, Kevin shouldn't speak--EVER--he should do what he does best, just sit there and look pretty!
"My name is Howie, how we doin' sweetheart?" I bet he was so excited to say that. I wonder if he came up with that all by himself. Maybe it was one of his pick-up lines pre-BSB.
"I don't like to have a girlfriend, but I do like to go on dates." If he doesn't like having a GIRLfriend, but likes going out... See, he's trying to come out of the closet people!
"Not being loved frightens me.  I'm a very loving person and for me to give out so much love- and not recieve any in return- that really scares me." Now I almost feel bad for not liking Howie. Aww, poor How How! All he really needs is some lovin'. Now do we have any volunteers to do the job? What? No takers? That was mean, sorry Howie.
"I try to keep my figure, so I've to stay away from chocolates." Does this quote not scream WOMAN to you? Kay, what STRAIGHT guy even says the word 'figure'? Ya, thas what I thought.
"Write us. We'll write back." You know, I stopped trying after the 100th letter.
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