Get to know... Nikki!
Name:  Nikki
Nickname: Bakoo, Edgar, Doodle.
DOB: April 28, 1987
That makes me: 16 years old.
Place that I call home:  Massachusettes (wicked awesome! not)

Fun Facts...
Favorite Backstreet Boy:  Nick!
Favorite BSB song: "Back To Your Heart".  It's so beautiful and Kevin wrote it, so that's a plus. It must feel good to know that you wrote an awesome song, but not allowed to sing in it.
Current Obsession: the computer game Icy Tower, Blue Cheese Dressing, BSB (of course), the Boston Red Sox.
Best Friends: Meghan and Heather (of course)
Favorite Movie: Clerks, 2ge+her, The Princess Bride, Clue
Favorite Book:  Of Mice And Men
Favorite TV show:  it's always changing, but currently it's Trading Spaces (and yes because of TY).
Concerts attended: blink-182- The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show, Backstreet Boys- Black & Blue, 98 Degrees- Revolation Tour, Nick Carter- Now Or Never Tour, Bon Jovi.
Nikki's Pic Of The Moment
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