MFC Results and Stats 08 - 09

MFC Results and Stats 08 - 09

Goal Scorers

  • Clarkson 2
  • Porter
  • Smith
  • Murphy
  • Lasley
  • Hughes

    Biggest Victory -

    Biggest Defeat - 3-2 v hearts

    Most Goals by individual player in a game - Clarkson - 2


    Goalscorer in bold
    (2),(3) - has scored more than 1 goal
    +,*,= indicates player substitued and their replacement
    r = sent off
    y = booking

    Hearts (a) L, 3-2

    1. G Smith, 2. Quinn, 3. Hammell, 4. Reynolds, 5. Craigan, 7. Hughes, 8. Malcolm (*)(y), 9. Porter, 10. Clarkson x2, 14. Lasley(+) (y), 18. McGarry (=). Subs: 19. Neilsen, 12. D Smith (+), 15. Murphy, 16. Fitzpatrick(*), 17. O'Brien(=), 26. Connolly, 45. Slane.


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