The Nanakuli Band wishes to thank and recognize those who have helped, supported and believed in us:

Mr. Levi Chang, Principal
Mr. Gavin Tsue, Vice Principal
Ms. Patricia Hamamoto, State Superintendent
Ms. Karen Moriyama, Complex Superintendent
Ms. Jaycine Hicks, PCNC
Mr. Ned Campbell, Security
Ms. Jean Nishi, SAC
Ms. Noreen Hayamizu, Registrar
Ms. Irene Ohashi, Teacher
Ms. Kathy Kamada, Teacher
Ms. Ronda Makua, Counselor
Ms. Christine Wilcox, Teacher
Mr. Monday Verzon, Graphics
Mr. Robin Kitsu, Video Productions
Mr. Wilfred Kusaka, Dole Band Teacher
Video crew: Nikita and Natasha Mendonca, Tiare Gututala, and Christian Kaeo
Mr. Randy Vause, High School  Band Teacher
Ms. Pat Ohashi, Yearbook
Mr. Harry Basso, Custodian

Amy King, Dolly Naiwi, Nia Sula, Trina Ku, June Bell

Teachers of Nanakuli High & Intermediate School
The Nanakuli Community, Parents, and Friends

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