North Hills DS Share and Care Group
 serving families in the North Hills

        a play and support group for children with 
        Down syndrome, their siblings, and parents



     Contact Us

     Meeting Dates

North Hills DS Share and Care Group is a play and support group for children with Down syndrome and their families.  Our goal is to provide support and friendship to each other as our children play, grow and learn together.  Through this group, our families are forming lasting and valued friendships.


The format of the meeting is casual discussion for the adults and play time for the children.  We also invite speakers to our meetings to present topics and share information that is relevant to our group.


We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at St. John Nuemann Church in the North Hills.  Please click on ‘Meeting Dates’ to view our calendar.

For more information about the group, please call
Amy DelSignore at (412) 366-9012,
Karen Dorsey at (412) 369-9876,
or Maureen Seskey at (412) 358-9757.

We can also be reached via email at [email protected].


Other sites of interest:  
Great site that provides a wealth of information on DS-related issues.

Health Care Guidelines for Individuals with Down Syndrome
Easy to read, age-specific guidelines detailing recommend care for children with DS.

Health Care Guidelines Checklist (birth - age 12)
A printable checklist to keep with your child's medical records.


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