Achievement in Ms. Kara C. Ginter's Foreign Language Classes
���� Language learning takes continuous daily work and practice since learning a second language is cumulative. Teachers like to teach students who follow through on their commitment to achieving. Learning a foreign language takes daily and continuous commitment.� Quizzes and tests are taken directly from the lessons--with no surprises. Keeping up with lessons and keeping track of your grades helps you know the success level of your learning.

��� I appreciate you as an active student in our class. With your hard work, you reinforce the active learning in class.� As you continue to work on your personal goals, I look forward to watching you and your learning grow.

����� And remember keep up the good work and continue to study. It's another way for you to contribute to the foundation of your education and to the foundation of the school community as a whole.� I encourage you to excel in your foreign language studies as well as in all you endeavor.
- Ms. Kara C. Ginter
Teacher Of Spanish and French
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