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Latin Terms

Ad absurdumTo absurdity
Ad astraTo the stars; to the utmost
Ad hocFormed for a specific purpose
Ad hominemPersonal, relating to an individual
Ad infinitumForever, endlessly
Ad majorem Dei gloriamTo the greater glory of God
Ad nauseamEndlessly, to a disgusting or ridiculous degree
Ad valoremAccording to the value (of goods)
A fortioriAll the more; said of a second conclusion that is even more logical than the first
Alea jacta est*The die is cast
Alma materOne’s university or college
Alter egoOne’s second self
Amicus curiaeFriend of the court
Anno dominiIn the year of the Lord
Annus horribilisTerrible year
Annus mirabilisWonderful year
Ante bellumBefore the war
A posterioriMaking conclusions based on fact rather than obvious principles
A prioriMaking conclusions based on theory rather than fact
Aqua vitaeLiterally “water of life,” designating brandy or other strong liquor
Argumentum ad hominemArgument based on personal attacks rather than the person’s reasonings
Ars gratia artis.Art for art’s sake
Ars longa, vita brevisArt is long, life is short
Bona fideIn good faith; genuine
Bona fidesDocuments proving identity or authority
Camera obscuraCamera with a dark chamber and an aperture that uses mirrors to
project an image on to a screen
Carpe diemEnjoy the day; take advantage while the opportunity is there
Casus belliGrounds for fighting, especially a war
Caveat emptoLet the buyer beware
Cogito ergo sumI think, therefore I am (from Descartes)
Compos mentisOf sound mind
Corpus delictiFacts of the crime; body of the crime
Cui bonoTo whose benefit; to what purpose
Cum grano salisWith a grain of salt
Cum laudeWith honors
De factoExisting by fact and not by choice
De gustibus non est disputandumTo each his own taste
Dei gratia.By the grace of God
De jureBy right according to a legal system
Delirium tremensAlcoholic withdrawal syndrome
Deo gratiasThanks to God
Deo volenteGod willing
De profundisArising from extreme despair or pain
E pluribus unumOut of many, one; from many, one
Et al(alii)And other things
Et ceteraAnd so forth
Ex cathedraFrom a position of authority
Exempli gratiaFor example
Ex librisFrom the library of
Ex officioBy virtue of an office held
Ex post factoAfter the fact; by reason of something having been done afterwards
FactotumOne who does everything; jack-of-all-trades
Habeas corpusWrit requiring the appearance of prisoner in court to determine if he has been legally detained
Homo sapiensMember of the human species
Horribile dictuTerrible to relate
IdPart of the psyche that is the source of psychic energy
Id estThat is (abbreviated i.e.)
ImprimaturOfficial sanction to publish a text (especially from a bishop or pope)
In absentiaIn the absence of the person concerned
In cameraIn secret
In excelsisIn the highest
In extremisIn great danger, especially of dying
In flagrante delictoIn the act of committing a crime
Ignis fatuusEvanescent phosphorescent light seen at night over a marshy area
will-o’-the wisp; something misleading
In hoc signo vincesIn this sign thou will conquer
In loco parentisIn the place of the parent
In media resIn the middle of things, especially a plot or play
In memoriamIn memory of, especially in an obituary notice
In situIn its original place
Inter aliaAmong other things
In totoAs a whole, completely
In vino veritasIn wine, there is truth—that is, one speaks freely under the influence of drink
In vitroIn a test tube
Ipso factoBy the very fact itself
Lapsus linguaeSlip of the tongue
LibidoSexual drive
Magna cum laudeWith high honors
Magnum opu(an artist’s, writer’s) Greatest work
MareSea; especially those dark areas on the moon and Mars
Mea culpaAdmission of guilt
Memento moriAny reminder of your mortality
Mens sana in corpore sanoSound mind in a sound body
Mirabile dictuWonderful to relate
Modus operandi (MO)Method of operation
Modus vivendiLife style; temporary arrangement for two parties living together but
at odds with one another
MoresMorals or customs of a country or group
Mutatis mutandisAllowing for the necessary changes
Ne plus ultraFurthest point attainable; most perfect of anything
Nolle prosequi(in law) Prosecutorial statement not to further pursue a suit
Nolo contendereDefendant’s plea accepting conviction but without admitting guilt
Non compos mentisNot of sound mind
Non sequituConclusion that does not follow from the premise
Nota bene (NBTake note of what follows
Obiter dictumPassing remark; (in law) judge’s offhand remark
Omnia vincit amorLove conquers all
OpusCreative work, especially a musical composition
O tempora! O mores!Oh the times! Oh the manners! (exclamation from Cicero suggesting
displeasure with changing times, changing values)
PaterfamiliasHead of family
Pater patriaeFather of his country; founder of the nation
Pax RomanaArea over which Roman law and authority was sovereign
Pax vobiscumPeace be with you
Pax vobiscumPeace be with you
PeccaviAdmission of having been in the wrong
Per annumPer year
Per capitaPer person
Per diemPer day
Per seBy itself
PersonaCharacters in a drama; (in psychology) outward personality as seen
by others
Persona non grataAn unacceptable person
Post mortem (P.M.)After death
Post scriptum (P.S.)Literally “written after,” for an additional note to a letter
Prima facieAt first view; a prima facie case is one in which initial evidence is thought
sufficient to justify further examination and prosecution
Primus inter paresFirst among equals
Pro bonoFor the public good
Pro et conFor and against (as an argument)
Pro formaAs a matter of formality or etiquette
Prosit!To your health!
Pro temporeFor the time being
Quid pro quoSomething for something
Quod erat demonstrandumWhich was to be proved
Quod erat faciendumWhich was to be done
Quo vadisWhere are you going?
Rara avisSomething or someone rarely encountered
ReWith regard to
Reductio ad absurdumManner of disproving a premise by assuming a conclusion to be incorrect and going back to show that it was impossible
Requiescat in pace (RIP)Rest in peace
Rigor mortisStiffness of a corpse developing within hours of death
Semper fidelisEver faithful
Sic transit gloria mundiThus passes the glory of the world
Sine qua nonLiterally “without which nothing,” for something indispensable
Stare decisisPolicy of law that the court will abide by a previous decision
Status quoExisting state of affairs
Sub rosaIn secret
Sui generisUnique; in a class by itself
Tabula rasaClean slate
Tempus fugitTime passes quickly
Terra firmaSolid ground
Terra incognitaUnexplored region, be it geographical, scientific, etc.
Ultima thuleFurthest point accessible; any distant place
Urbi et orbiTo the city, Rome, and to the world (used in a Papal blessing or pronouncement)
Vade mecumLiterally “go with me,” for a handbook or something used as a ready reference
VerbatimWord for word
Vice versaThe order being reversed
Vox populiVoice of the people
Vox populi, vox deiVoice of the people is the voice of God
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