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ILIAD & Odyssey Terms

War that is the subject of this epic workTrojan War
Latin name of the legendary city of TroyIlium
Central character who leads the warriors called the Myrmidons and pouts in his tent
after arguing with the Greek leader over the maid Briseis as a war prize
Wooden image that all came to believe would protect the city of TroyPalladium
King of Troy killed when the Greeks sacked the city during the Trojan WarPriam
Priam’s second wife, who allegedly bore him 49 children, one of whom she dreamed
would cause the destruction of Troy
Hecuba (Hecabe
Prince of Troy, Priam’s son, who with Aphrodite’s help easily convinces a young
woman to run away with him to Troy and later kills Achilles by shooting an arrow into
his heel
Beautiful woman who runs away from Sparta to marry the Prince of TroyHelen
King of Sparta who with his brother’s help organizes a huge Greek expedition against
Troy to try to win back his sister
Menelaus’ brother who helps him organize the expedition to try to win Helen back and
leads the Greeks, or Achaeans, in battle
Maid who is seized during a raid and given to Agamemnon as a war prize, but then by
Apollo’s command returned and replaced by Briseis, Achilles’ slave
Achilles’ friend who wears his armor to lead the Myrmidons and is killed in battle by
Priam’s son
Priam’s son, the commander of the Trojan forces whom Achilles kills and drags
around Troy behind a chariot
Giant Greek warrior, described as “slow-witted,” whom Athena causes to go mad to
prevent him from killing others after Agamemnon awards the armor of Achilles to
Ajax (Aias)
Oldest and wisest of the Achaeans at TroyNestor
Shrewd middle-aged Greek warrior and king of Ithaca who plays a relatively minor
role in the Trojan War
Soothsayer who leads the Achaeans to Troy and counsels that Chryseis be returned
to her father without ransom
Greek herald in the Trojan War described as having the voice of 50 menStentor
Trojan archer who is tricked by Athena into shooting Menelaus and breaking the truce
between the Greeks and the Trojans
Hector’s devoted wife who is captured by Neoptolemus, Achilles’ son, when Troy fallsAndromache
Hector and Andromache’s son who is killed by NeoptolemusAstyanax
Anchises and Aphrodite’s son who commands the Trojan forces following the death
of Hector
Priam and Hecuba’s daughter whose prophecy of the fall of Troy is rejected and who
is captured by Agamemnon after it falls
Goddess of war to whom Paris had earlier awarded the golden apple and who is now
fighting for the Trojans
God of prophecy, poetry, and music who sides with the TrojansApollo
God of war who fights on the side of the TrojansAres
Goddess of wisdom who fights on the side of the AchaeansAthena
God of the sea who fights on the side of the AchaeansPoseidon
Zeus’ sister and wife who fights on the side of the AchaeansHera
Hero of the epic, the only Greek hero not yet back from the war at its openingOdysseus (Ulysses)
War in which the hero has fought for 10 yearsTrojan War
Number of years after this war that the Odyssey lasts10
Greek leader killed by his wife and Aegisthus when he returns home from the warAgamemnon
Sea god who constantly blows Odysseus off course for having blinded his sonPoseidon
Sea god’s son blinded by OdysseusPolyphemus
One-eyed giants such as the sea god’s blinded sonCyclops
Sea nymphs, part-bird part-woman, who lured sailors to their death on the rocks surrounding
their island by seductive singing
King of the gods who decrees that Odysseus should be allowed to return homeZeus
Island home where Odysseus is kingIthaca
Goddess who goes to this island home and tells Odysseus’ son that his father is still aliveAthena
Odysseus’ son who goes in search of his fatherTelemachus
Divine nymph who keeps Odysseus on her island of Ogygia for 7 years and offers him
immortality if he stays
Odysseus’ wife, who is being courted by many suitors but refuses to marry anyone
and weaves and unweaves a burial robe while faithfully waiting for him
Odysseus’ father who tends the herds and vineyards and kills Eupeithes in the final
battle with the suitors
Wise elder on the island where Odysseus is king whose form Athena sometimes assumesMentor
Oldest and wisest of the Achaeans at Troy, the king of Phylos whom Odysseus’ son
King of Sparta who entertains Odysseus’ son when he arrives seeking information
about his father
Sorceress who changes Odysseus’ men into swine on her island of AeaeaCirce
Messenger of the gods whose herb moly protects Odysseus from this sorceress’ spell
and who tells her to let him return home
Theban prophet who advises Odysseus not to harm the sacred cattle of Hyperion
when Odysseus consults him in Hades
6-headed monster in the Straits of Messina, each head of which is equipped with triple
rows of teeth
Dangerous whirlpool in the Straits of Messina that swallows the waters of the sea 3
times and throws them up again
Odysseus’ old dog who dies shortly after seeing his master againArgus (Argos)
Odysseus’ faithful nurse who recognizes him when he returns home by the scar on
his thigh
Odysseus’ faithful swineherd who helps kill his wife’s suitorsEumaeus
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