some of y'all liked some of the layouts i've made before soooo i decided i'd give you the html and everything so that you can "steal" it from me...but please give me credits! ^.^|| they're not very good anyways but...w/e

copy/paste the code into your html editor or just save it in notepad as an html document ([TITLE].html)

e-mail me if you get confused or something's wrong with the html! ^.^||

oh yea...here's a few pointers:

  • click on the link for the background image and save it onto your own computer and then upload it onto the web hosting server you're using...it's a bit of an inconvienience (sp?) but bear with it 'cause you can't directly link from geocities anyways so you're picture won't show up if you try to link from my page
  • replace what's in the brackets ([<--these things-->]) with what it says inside the brackets...



here's a layout with ludacris on it...shweta and amy suggested the idea and i didn't wanna just throw it out on the streets so i gave it a little home here until someone else decides to snatch it away from me...

here's the link for the background image



moose...amy's idea...

background image



where's nemo? here's nemo! (okay...ignore the corny-ness)winny liked it a bunch soooo here he is...go fish-nap him...

this one's a bit weird...you gotta have your links look like this:

in order for it to turn out right...so that you can see it...^.^||

background image:


bubble tea! yummie!! ^.^ best drink 'round...here's a layout dedicated to it ^.^ amy suggested it...

background image:



layout with toad...shweta suggested it...

background image


last updated: 22 september 2003
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws