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Verb Tenses

the Active Voice

the Passive Voice


Simple Present

1-V1/do not V1   

    V1+(e)s/does not V1



am/is/are +V3               


often, always, for 2 hours every night,

once a week,

Simple Past

2- V2/did not V1


was/were +V3

2 hours ago, for 2 years, in 1990,last week, yesterday


Present progressive



3- am,is,are+V1ing


am/is/are+being +V3

right now, at present, this semester, at the moment


Past progressive


4- was, were + V1ing



was/were+being +V3

At ten last night, while, as, when


Present perfect

5- have,has+V3


have/has+been +V3

for, since, just, not yet, ever, never, many times, up to now, so far this semester


Past perfect

6- had +V3


had+been +V3

by the time, before, after



Present perfect progressive

7- have,has+been+V1ing




all this week, for, since, for …….now,


Past perfect progressive

8- had+been+V1ing




SVR for......... before SV2R. 

By 9:00 SVR for ……


With Modals

9- Modal (will, must...etc.)+V1



will, must...+be +V3

next week, tomorrow, now,…


Perfect Infinitive

10- should /ought to+have +V3



should /ought to+have+been +V3



Simple Future

11- will + V1



will+be +V3

1- If SV(1)R

Present Conditional

12- would +V1



would+be +V3

2-If SV(2)R



13- would + have+V3



would+have+been +V3

3-If SV(6/8)R

Future progressive

14- will+be+V1ing



At this same time tomorrow /all next week/in ten years' time/Tomorrow at 8.00,/

When you come, …


Future perfect

15- will+have+V3


will+have+been +V3



By the year2009

By the time SVR, SVR

Future perfect progressive

16- will+have+been+V1ing





By the year 2020 SVR for …..



-Verb tenses are tools that English speakers use to express time in their language.

-You may find that many English tenses do not have direct translations in your language.

-When the subject refers to a person or thing that does something, we use the active voice.

-The subject of a passive clause does not perform the action expressed by the verb but is affected by it.



   هذه هي الأزمنة في اللغة الإنكليزية في حالة المعلوم والمجهول – ولكن عندما نعرف الشكل الصحيح لكل زمن فهذا لا يعني أننا نجيد استخدام كل منها بل نحن بحاجة لدراسة كل زمن من هذه الأزمنة.


  ونحن بحاجة لحفظ قائمة من الأفعال كي نوظفها باستخدام الأزمنة.  وللإطلاع على قائمة من الأفعال راجع قائمة الأفعال بالنقر عليها في الصفحة الرئيسية.


نادر حاج عبدو



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