And his merry men    


Run No :  1202                             Weather : Mild and sunny.


Date :  23rd February 2003         Venue:  The Robin Hood, Standford          


Duration: 1 hour 15 mins             Distance FRBs : Nearly 6 miles (9.3 k)


Hares :  Bidet                                 No of Runners :  27


The location was perfect, the weather was almost balmy, and Fairy Snow was just… well Fairy Snow.  This new location, at least for me attracted an excellent turnout and Bidet, the hare did not disappoint with an awe inspiring run.


Called to order by JGG, Bidet kept things short before despatching us down the road.  I led across a river by means of a footbridge and then crossed fields whilst behind me an intrepid group decided to wade across rather than confront ‘Little John’ alias JGG.  The first check was by an industrial estate, and went to Rent Boy but soon he reached a back-check in some woods allowing me to find flour alongside a stream.  After jumping in to cross it we made our way to a check on a road where visitor Nelson from Barnes H3, called On to take us across some fields.  After losing the trail alongside a small plantation of trees I called on before Nelson found a check leading to a regroup.


Goalkeeper found the flour as we ran along a lane in the sunshine, but took a wrong turning over a stile allowing returner Specky to lead us into the woods of Ludshott Common.  I then regained the lead up a shiggy lane between high banks but my big lead came to nothing when I met a back-check.  So I sneaked into the woods and made my way back hiding behind trees so entrapping Kevin and Nelson before returning to the fray, you know what they say ’All’s fair in love and war’.  After following a trail through more woods the flour suddenly disappeared and we halted until Bidet urged us forward.  Soon after I found a check on a road and followed Firework and other SCBs into a pretty wood before finding other checks leading to the second regroup on a road.  


Soon after Nelson and I ran together to find the On, but after an extended run lost the trail at a check allowing Horn to take us close to the houses of Headley.   Encouraged by Spotted Dick I found flour at the next check and led us along paths leading to the last regroup in a field.  We waited chattering in the sunshine for the SCBs before Spotted Dick called On on the last leg.  After crossing some stiles I then led us down a hill back to the pub.


Down Downs by RA Fairy Snow:

Bidet- The hare.

Old Thumper/JGG/Flying Doctor and son Nick/ Spotted Dick/ Rent Boy/Cloggs – Forders, in true hashing style.

Fuggles– For suggesting the flour was washing up powder.

Alison (Sister of New Balls) - Virgin

Goalkeeper – For GM abuse.

Rent Boy – For maintaining a too a closer vigil to Goalkeeper.

Petal – Another birthday after Flying Doctor forgot to make her a cake last week.   


Scribe:Silvier Fox

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