Red Robin was formerly a FC DareDevil. I added premo to the waist, biceps, inner thighs and calves to match the proportions seen in KC. His outfit was sewn using lycra. For the top part, I decided to make it one piece rather than sewing the sleeves separately. The pants, however, were sewn in the same manner as the FC. The gloves were made from synthetic leather . The boots were a major pain in the rear. It was originally a single piece of synthetic leather with stiching to simulate the grooves (similar to what I did for Capt Marvel forearm piece). However, that didn't look accurate enough, so I ended up cutting strips of leather in double V shapes and hand stitched them individually, one on top of each other. The stitching became a bigger hassle because I didn't want thread to penetrate the outer leather surface and show. As a result, I had to use running matress sutures to connect them. Finally, I lined the inside of the boot with black lycra. The cloak is also sewn from lycra and connected at the center using a snap. The belt was made from real leather. The capsules/bullets were made from jewlery rods (gold bugles available from Fabric Depot). The waist capsules are medium bugles while the bandolier ones are small. The Red Robin insignia was made from the firing disk from Princess What's Her Name. The belt buckle was originally made from scratch using buttons, plastic rods, and premo. I made a mold of it and recasted in polyurethane. The Robin rang is cut from an old credit card. The head was sculpted from scratch. BTW, if you plan to sculpt from scratch, my advice is to sculpt in the eyes before sculpting the hood. It isn't very easy to sculpt in the wrinkles and lines around the eyes after you've added the hood.

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