My mentor/ master Jimbob Stelling once did the unthinkable and feminized a GI Joe body into a Jane. The results were IMPRESSIVE to say the least, but more important than anything else, he taught me to look beyond the limits of the "box", to explore ideas that people would never have thought of or even laugh at. This project is a homage to you master Jimbob :-).

With a little research from the GLC web page and the fine people of the Customs Listserver, I discovered that Sinestro is a rather slim character with well defined muscles. My first instinct was to use a Star Trek body, which is slimmer than the FC type 1 male. It wouldn't be too hard to add joints to the biceps, wrists, and ankles to give it articulation comparable if not better than FCs. However after testing it out I found that ST dolls proportions were still too large for the look I wanted. Then it occured to me, why not masculinize a FC female body?

The first thing to go were the breasts (kinda odd that I haven't done a Plastics rotation yet, but completed a breast reductions all by myself :-). I dremeled the old ones off and sculped the new pects and abs using Magic Sculp. Similar modifications were also made to the arms, thighs, and waist areas. The shoulders (deltoids) presented a challenge. The ball joint system used by ToyBiz can't be altered/ beefed up without decreasing the range of motion. To remedy this, I designed a shoulderpad made from silicon. The silicon pad would add the contour anatomic shape of the detoids, but still leave the range of motion unhindered.

The head was modeled after the DC Direct GLC PVC set and the picture above. I wanted Sinestro to have an arrogant grimmace so gave him a smirking grin and evil eyes to match. The long protruding chin, high brow, slick hair and nose were modeled after the DC Direct design. While, I'm pretty happy with the way the head came out, I'm not totally thrilled. I would've like to use David Niven's likeness (thanks for the idea John A.), but couldn't get enough pictures of the actor, especially side profile shots. Maybe it's just me but adding a real life likeness makes these Famous Covers figures a little more unique .... not like the stereotypical ToyBiz FCs where everyone has the exact same nose, chin, jaw and cheekbones.

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