Letter/Invitation Evaluation Form


Expert Letter Writer
Superior Letter Writer
Average Letter Writer
New Letter Writer
Salutation and Closing  Salutation and closing have no errors in capitalization and punctuation.  Salutation and closing have 1-2 errors in capitalization and punctuation.  Salutation and closing have 3 or more errors in capitalization and punctuation.  Salutation and/or closing are missing. 
Sentences & Paragraphs Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of varied structure.  All sentences are complete and well-constructed (no fragments, no run-ons). Paragraphing is generally done well.  Most sentences are complete and well-constructed. Paragraphing needs some work.  Many sentence fragments or run-on sentences OR paragraphing needs lots of work. 
Grammar & spelling (conventions)  Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling.  Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar and/or spelling.  Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar and/or spelling  Writer makes more than 4 errors in capitalization and punctuation. 
Capitalization and Punctuation  Writer makes no errors in capitalization and punctuation Writer makes 1-2 errors in capitalization and punctuation.  Writer makes 3-4 errors in capitalization and punctuation. Writer makes more than 4 errors in capitalization and punctuation.
Length The letter is 10 or more sentences. The letter is 8-9 sentences. The letter is 5-7 sentences. The letter is less than 5 sentences.

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