Book Jacket Review Evaluation Form


Expert Reviewer
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Experienced Reviewer
Novice Reviewer
Persuasive/Propoganda Techniques   Reviews of book used 3 persuasive techniques and student can name each and show where s/he used it.  Reviews of book used 2 persuasive techniques and student can name each and show where s/he used it.  Reviews of book used 1 persuasive technique and student can name it and show where s/he used it.   Student cannot describe what persuasive technique was used. 
Neatness and Effort  The book jacket has no distracting errors, corrections or erasures and is easily read. It appears the student spent a lot of effort getting things just right.  The book jacket has almost no distracting errors, corrections or erasures and is easily read. It appears the student worked hard on it. The book jacket is fairly readable but the quality is not too good on some parts. It looks like the student ran out of time or didn't take care of it.  Very messy and hard to read. It looks like the student threw it together at the last minute without much care. 
 Grammar  There are no grammatical mistakes on the book jacket  There is 1 grammatical mistake on the book jacket.  There are 2-3 grammatical mistakes on the book jacket.  There are more than 3 grammatical mistakes on the book jacket. 
 Spelling There are 3 or fewer spelling errors on the book jacket. The author's name and the title are spelled correctly throughout! There are 3 or fewer spelling errors on the book jacket, but the author's name is is not always spelled correctly. The title is always spelled correctly.  There are 3 or fewer spelling errors on the book jacket, but the title and author's name are not always spelled correctly. There are more than 3 spelling errors.

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