Remember that this is a members only quest, and it can only be done on a members server. Thanks and enjoy.

Description: Investigate the death of elven leaders of old. Search for the elf king baxtorian's tomb and discover the mysterious hidden treasure of the waterfall.

Difficulty Level: Very hard

Items/Skills Needed To Start: Some rope (one if you do it right, but buy a few from Ned, in Draynor Village just in case, 15 coins each), 6 air runes, 6 water runes, and 6 earth runes, a good weapon, some good armor, a stat restore potion, lots of food

Starting Location: North of Baxtorian Falls, speak to Almera

Reward: 1 quest point, 40 mithril seeds (make you into a tree for a short period of time), 2 cut diamonds, 2 gold bars, 14200 experience to attack and 17200 experience to strength


Talk to Almera in there and she will tell you that her boy is looking for a treasure in the waterfall. Board the raft and you will end up on an island with a bare tree. You will talk to the boy. Then jump off. You will get hurt a bit.

You will be near a house. Inside is Hadley. Speak to him. He will tell you that the area is beautiful and tell you about the life of Baxtorian and his wife. Once you have finished talking to him, keep going north, past the falls, into another house.

Go back and speak to Almera again. Now go back to Hadley, go upstairs in his house and you will find a book. Read all of it. Then speak to Hadley again. If you want, you can go look at the grave of the lady, and you will notice that the tomb has a hole for a pebble. You must get this pebble.

The pebble is found in Gnome Village, directly west of the fight arena. To actually go inside the gnome village, you must go through a hedge maze. Make your way through the maze until you are south of the Gnome Village, and you will see a ladder. Go down the ladder, into the small dungeon which has an east and west side. Go east, search the crates and the one to the southwest will have the big key in it.

Go to the west side now and open the prison, by using the big key on the gate. Speak to the gnome and you will get a pebble. Now go back to Ardougne and bank all of your armour and weapons that are in your inventory. Bring food and the pebble. The grave is located east of Hadley's tourist info center. Use the pebble on the grave and you will go inside.

First you will encounter some zombies (level 24). Then there are some non-aggressive skeletons (level 21) and some aggressive moss giants (level 62) in here. There are two sections to this dungeon again. One has a cupboard with an urn inside. Then you must go to the tables still inside her grave, and click on the "odd looking wall". Go search the coffin with an amulet inside. Now that you have both the amulet and the urn, go up the ladder and get out.

Go back to Ardougne and grab your armour some food, a stat restore potion, the 18 runes mentioned at the top, the urn, the rope and the amulet. Put your armour on and wear the quest amulet and then go back to where you spoke to Almera and board the raft.

You will be on the same island. Use the rope on the tree of the island you're on and you will go to the next. Do the same on this one. And now you're at the edge of the falls. Use the rope on the tree again and you are now in front of a large door. Your rope has now disappeared.

Be careful, if you click you might possibly go down the waterfall. Right click the door and open it. Here there are level 53 shadow spiders. Inside this dungeon your prayer will be depleted by the spiders. Go to the east where there are some level 21 mage skeletons, who will take your combat stats way down, and level 54 skeletons, search the crates and you will get a key.

Now go to the west side. Be careful, you must go through level 109 fire giants. Push odd-looking wall and go through passage. Use the key on that door. Now you are in a room with 6 pillars and a statue and a treasure on the ceiling. Use one of each rune on each pillar (one earth, one water, one air) and then use the amulet on the statue.

The floor will now rise and you can reach the treasure. Use the urn on the treasure and you will get it. If you don't you will get swept away and have to redo this, though you won't have to place the runes again. Now that you have the treasure, go back out the way you came and jump into the waterfall.
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