Before I get into the advice section, I'd like to put down some of the commands you can use in the game:

To change the color of your type, use the color command before the text you wish to type:
    @bla@: Black
    @blu@: Blue
    @cya@: Cyan
    @dre@: Dark Red
    @gre@: Green
    @gr1@: Light Green
    @gr2@: Yellow Green
    @mag@: Magenta
    @or1@: Orange
    @or2@: Dark Orange
    @or3@: Red Orange
    @pur@: Purple
    @ran@: Rainbow colors
    @whi@: White
    @yel@: Yellow

��So for instance, I want to get people's attention. I would type @mag@ I've got an iron shield for sale! My text would look like this: I've got an iron shield for sale! I would keep typing in magenta until I change the text color to something else, or until I log off.
��Here's a neat little trick I discovered: if you type in a color code (say, @red@) and hit enter, then text changes to red. Now type a couple letters, then keep hitting backspace. You'll go back to the previous color. Cool, huh? You can do this as long as you don't type some text and hit enter. (So you could type @dre@, change the text to dark red, then go to green, yellow, etc, and as long as you don't type anything other than a color code and hit enter, you could go back to the previous colors without re-entering the code. This is a good way to see what the text looks like without actually saying anything.)

Some Scam Safety Tips:

(1) Never trust anyone.
-----You met him a week or so ago, he seemed nice, gave you tips, helped you with a quest, but then he asked to borrow your Adam Battle Axe....and you never saw him again. Never, ever trust anyone you have not met in person. If they want to borrow something, have them give you an item for you to hold, of equal or greater value, and if you aren't sure about it's value, ask someone, and remember, IT'S ALWAYS OK TO SAY NO.

(2) Real clans DON'T ask for items of "trust"
-----This is a common scam. If someone gives you some quack story about to join their clan you have to give items of trust, don't buy it. Real clans don't ask this, I know, I'm in one.(no, you can't join)

(3) If it sounds to good to be true, it most certainly is.
-----Wow! This guy is giving you a Rune kite shield, all you have to do is give him your Adam long sword, and he'll go to his bank and get it! SCAM. When ever you see a deal like this, think to your self, what is he/she getting out of this deal? If the answer is nothing, or near it, it's probobly bogus.

(4) NEVER tell anyone, for any amount of money, what your password is.
-----Telling someone, ANYONE your password is asking for a stolen character. Even if it's your friend, some one maybe listening in on your (or his) private messages. Another thing: change your password regularly. This makes it much harder to guess, and if anyone hacks the servers(It has happened before) They will have a much harder time stealing your character. And if you password is found out by a bad guy, go to the login and click the "I forgot my password" link. HOPEFULLY, you entered your real E-mail when signing up, and your hackers password for your character hopefully will come up. If it does, change it as soon as possible.

��Here are some tips and advice for new players:

Be nice to your fellow gamers. I was going to Varrock one day, and a guy I passed asked if I was gonig to Varrock. I said yes, and he asked if I minded if he followed me. I shrugged and said it was ok. When we got there, he asked me to follow him to the combat training area, where he logged on with his other character and gave me a set of bronze chain mail and a helmet, which was a lot better than the leather armor I had. One good deed may go unnoticed, but do enough of them, and eventually you'll be rewarded.

Explore everything. Items and quests can be found in the most unlikely places, so be sure to check every nook and cranny. Often items you need for your quests can be found lying around.

Talk to everyone you meet. As above, the most unlikely person may be able to help you on your quest.

Practice your skills as much as you can. The only way you'll get better is by using your skills. It will be hard at first, but as you gain levels, things will become much easier.

Don't jump on other people's kills. Players who hang around fights and steal items that others earned are called vultures, and no one likes them. Taking stuff that no one else wants is fine, but don't be a vulture.

Use common sense. If you're losing a fight, run away - don't say "Oh, I've almost got him!" I've done that, and I usually ended up dying.

Don't pick a fight you can't win. This should fall under common sense; I don't know how many times I've seen players attack something that they were ill-prepared to fight, and ended up dying. I've done it myself a couple times, sadly, but I learned quickly. If you want more advice in this vein, check out the Combat and Tactics section.

Watch out for scams. I know, this sounds pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised. A lot of people seem to get off on scamming other players who don't know any better. No one can upgrade or bless your armor, and if someone asks you to come to the dungeon to help retrieve their mithril armor (or other high-powered item), don't believe him/her. Be wary of people who claim to do free smithing - a lot of them just steal your stuff and run. Don't give items to people you don't know, unless other people you DO know vouch for them. And don't, for God's sake, buy a character from someone else. It's just too easy for the seller to use the "I've forgotten my password" button to get the new password and change it back. There are no "special knives," "special bones," or "special" anything else. Alt+F4, in case you didn't know, is NOT a duplication code - it closes the window.

READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. Nothing annoys other players more than someone who goes around asking stupid questions that could easily be answered by reading the instructions. I'm probably preaching to the choir here, since if you're reading this, you've most likely already read the instructions, but I felt the need to include it anyway.

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