Remember that this is a members only quest, and it can only be done on a members server. Thanks and enjoy.

Description: A monk's child has had their blanket stolen. Find the thieves' den and return the blanket, then help Brother Omad organise the drinks for the child's birthday party.

Difficulty Level: Easy - Medium

Items/Skills Needed To Start: Maybe some armor and a weapon, and a hatchet

Starting Location: The church south of Ardougne

Reward: 1 Quest Point, 8 Law Runes, 5000 to 8000 Woodcutting experience


Talk to Brother Omad in the building with 2 circular rooms south of Ardougne.

Now go west of that building by some mining rocks and a ladder. Go down the ladder. A level 34 head thief might attack you. That is the hardest monster you will have to fight in this quest.

Go to the south area and you'll see a light blue blanket on the ground. Some thieves (level 21) will attack you. Kill them.

Take the blanket and head back up the ladder. Talk to brother Omad again and give him the blanket. Then talk to him again after that and ask about Brother Cedric.

Go northwest above the mining area. Talk to brother Cedric. Go find a bucket near him. There is also a well nearby. Use the bucket on the well. Then use the water on Brother Cedric. He should become sober.

He'll then ask for a log. Cut down a log with your hatchet (that you should have if you read the "items needed to start").

Go back to Brother Omad. Talk to him and he'll reward you.
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