

Solidarit� : de l’urgence au d�veloppement

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1938 Capistrano Subd,                                                                                 2, rue B�liard

Lucena 4301 -  Philippines                                                                           75018 Paris  - France

t�l. : (042) 660 4716 -  fax : (042)71 21 57                                                  t�l : 01 60 77 66 80 -  fax : 01 42 54 73 00


   L’AUI-France est une Organisation Non-Gouvernementale fran�aise cr��e en 1977. Ses activit�s s’orientent essentiellement autour de la gestion des catastrophes naturelles. L’AUI d�veloppe des programmes de gestion des risques (pr�vention, mitigation et pr�paration), m�ne des op�rations de secours d’urgence et met en place des programmes de r�habilitation et de reconstruction post-catastrophe, en France et � l’�tranger.

    En partenariat avec Organizing for Rural Development, une ONG philippine, l’AUI a mis en place d�but novembre 1998, un programme pilote de 10 mois sur la gestion des catastrophes naturelles dans la province de Quezon. Ce programme est financ� par le Disaster Preparedness European Community Humanitarian Office (DIP-ECHO) et le Minist�re des Affaires �trang�res fran�ais. L’objectif principal de ce programme est de promouvoir les capacit�s des diff�rents acteurs concern�s par la gestion des catastrophes (ONG, Organisations Populaires, communaut�s et agences gouvernementales).

Pour plus d’informations contacter Isabelle Br�maud � Lucena ou le si�ge de l’AUI � Paris. 


Solidarity : from emergency to development

   AUI is a french Non Gouvernemental Organization which was created in 1977. It works on the issues of Natural Disasters at three levels :

    In partnership with Organizing for Rural Development (ORD), a philippino NGO, AUI is implementing a PILOT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (PDPM) in selected barangays from five (5) municipalities of Quezon Province. This program has started in November ‘98, and will end in September ‘99. It is supported by the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs - SAH. Its main objective is to develop a management program aimed at promoting the capabilities of various disaster management actors (non-governmental organizations, government organizations and communities) in the Province of Quezon.

For further information, please contact Isabelle Bremaud at AUI/ORD office in Lucena or AUI in Paris.


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