Critiquing Religion,

Or, "Says You and Who Else?!?!!??"

Religion holds sway in one form or another all across the globe. Man, for some reason, is not content to be what he really is, Homo sapiens, but he absolutely MUST be Homo religioso as well, which in my own personal opinion, is very unfortunate. And I have very valid reasons for my opinion.

Religion, spirituality, faith, God, gods, angels, demons, spirit, soul, hereafter, Heaven, Hell....What are we really referring to when people talk about such concepts? And do these words actually point to anything at all?

This page throws down the gauntlet of reason before the feet of the world of religion, in all its forms. It will showcase articles that reveals the limitations of the so-called spiritual realm. Though many will find the questioning of people's personal religious beliefs as rude, impolite, and inappropriate, they will simply have to get over it. I am not trying to be mean or impolite. I simply do not think that there is any validity to the so-called religious experience. The whole point is this: Just because someone decides to hold up anything--whether it be objects, ideas, or ideals--make it a god, surround that god with mysticism, ritual, and create a priesthood to serve that thing, idea, or ideal made into the transcendant, doesn't necessarily mean that that construct has any basis in reality. I question your religious belief. I will not apologize for it or be made to feel bad about it. I did not set up your religious world view. It is you, Homo religioso that has the responsibility of making your case of the transcendant. I for one, will not take the religionists' word for it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

It is very interesting that not too many people truly understand what they are actually asking of others when they beg people to convert to their faith. Because they feel such a strident urgency, mainly because of their received mythology, as if the entire planet were burning down around them. I am not going to lay down my brain and check it at the door when the religionist insists that I must accept his or her religious world view and object of worship as having any basis in reality. It is bad enough that the religionists take their mythology too seriously. But do not expect me to do likewise. I do take the received myths seriously when the religionist feels compelled by his faith to point his sword, gun, or what have you, toward me in the name of his god. And then that is when I will have to stand up and say "You have gone too far and I shall put you in your proper place!" Even though you may not understand fully what you are asking, I understand perfectly well. And if that rubs Homo religioso the wrong way, then so be it!

That Transcendental Temptation
The Bible Says!!
Let History Speak!
America and Religion
The Gods Must Be Crazy!


To All You Believers Out There:

Come back to the real world. We'll forgive you for bad faith, and your "sins" against reality and truth. You can be "redeemed" by confessing your foolishness and accepting reality for what it is. You then can rebuild your life. You can even improve upon reality with a realistic reliance on the combination of your mind and your senses, using logic and the scientific method. With all that you can make yourself a better person and the world a better place to live your life--and a better place to leave your descendants as well. You can accept your death, and be "saved" by your life and joy of living it, and be a positive part of the human race and the universe. You can once again revere truth, and regard lies and ignorance as the worst danger on the path of life--the only real "evil."
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Is Atheism a Religion?
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Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible
Religious Mottos on Currency: A Violation of Church-State Separation
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Memes: Viruses of the Mind

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