Source Analysis Sheet

Fill out one of these sheets for each of your Web resources.

Creator’s name (if given) __________________________________________________________________________

Web Page Title__________________________________________________________________________________

Institution/Organization maintaining the website ________________________________________________________

Date of Access: _______________________________________________

URL/Internet Address <http:// >

NOTES (if needed, use back of this paper):

SUMMARY—in your own words (if needed, use back of this paper):

To be completed after done using source

What I found most useful about this source:

What I found difficult about using this source:

A PDF format of this source note and others for different types of information sources can be found at:
"Student Inquiry in the Research Process" developed by Leslie Preddy, based on the elements of Information Inquiry designed by Dr. Daniel Callison, Indiana University and LMS Associates.

Created by Noel Gnadinger
Last updated on June 2004

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