Abbreviations cont.
J.A. - Judge Advocate
J.C.B.- Juris Civilis Baccalaureus
jn. - junction
jr - junior
J.X - Jesus Christ ( I really don't know that... )

K - Kelvin (absolute temperature)
K.E. - kinetic energy
KGB - Komitet Gosudarstvennol Bezopasnost ( most got to do with the Russians )
KK - Phonetic English System
KKK - ku klux klan ( known as 3K )
KO - knockout

L.C - letter of credit/liquid crystal/Library of Congress
LCD - liquid crystal display/liquid crystal digital
LCM - lowest common multiple
L.D. - Doctor of Letters ( I thought it should be "doctors of lettures ! )
LDPE - low-density polyethylene
LP - long playing record
LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LST - local standard time
Ltd. - limited

MBA - master of business administration
MC - Military Cross/master of cermonies/Member of Congress
MIA - missing in action
MSG - monosodium glutamate

NA - Not Applicable/ Not Available
NBA - National Basketball Association
NBC - National Broadcasting Company
NC - no change
NFL - National Football League
NG - no good ( see those behind-the-camera-scenes? )

o/s - Old Style; out of stock; outstanding
ORG - organization

P & L - profit and loss
p.a. - per annum
p.m. - post meridiem
P.O. Postal Order
PC - programmable controller, personal computer
PCB - printed circuit board
PCP - pentachlorophenol (kind of drug)
PDA - public display of affection (WHAT!)
PDQ - pretty damn quick ( i should use that one ALL the time )
PE - physical education
PR - public relations
PS - postscript
PVC - polyvinyl choride

QC - quality control

R & B - rhythm and blues
R. I. P. - rest in peace
RSVP - Reply, if you please

S & M - sadism and masochism ( boys should know this right?? )
SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals
St. - saint, street

TB - tuberculosis
TLC - tender loving care
TM - trademark

u/a - underwriting account
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
USSR - Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics
UV - ultraviolet

v.v - vice versa
VCR - video cassette recorder
VHF - very high frequency
VHS - video home system
VDU - visual display unit
VSOP - very superior old pale

WBA - World Boxing Association
WC - water closet (closet?)
WWF - World Wrestling Federation
www - world wide web (you should know that!)

YMCA - Young Men's Christian Associaton
YWCA - Young Women's Christian Association
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