The day after they got home, Max went over to visit Tess. Sheriff Valenti had welcomed her back into his home after learning that she wasn�t the same Tess that had lied to them all. He was so releived when he found out that his daughter wasn�t really the killer. Tess answered the doorbell and led Max into her room. They both sat on the bed, shyly looking around the room, not knowing what to say. Tess started. �Max?�  �Yes, Tess?� Max answered quickly. �You thought she was me the whole time, didn�t you?�  �Well�. yeah. But�how could I know? I mean, I barely even knew you when they took you away.� Max defended himself right away. �Yeah, but that�s the thing. You knew me at least a little bit. You knew how I acted in certain situations. Did you never realize a change in �my� behavior and manners?�  Max shook his head, his eyes looking at the floor. He felt so embarrassed with how he had never even had a clue. �You know, I only knew you a short time too, but I always knew you would come for me. I knew Michael would tell you and Isabel and then you would come.� Tess said with a touch of resentment. Max turned his eyes to meet Tess� and let a small tear roll down his cheek. �I was so stupid, I know. I was foolish because I just wanted to be normal. I was so focused on being human that I didn�t pay any attention to you� or Ava. I�m sorry. I�m so sorry.� He stopped for a moment to gather up his nerve to say what he�d come to tell her and then continued on. �When Ava was sick, I told her something. I told her that I�d taken her for granted and that I�d never really given her a chance. I know I was talking to her, but I was telling YOU. She was a lie, but you�re the truth. You�re the Ava I fell in love with when we first lived and you�re the Tess I fell in love with in this life.� He put his hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears. They leaned in and kissed. When they parted, they knew they�d be together forever. �I�ve never lost faith in you Max. You�re my love and my king and I will never loose you. I love you.� Tess whispered and they kissed again.

The end.
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