I barely slept at all for the next week. In the mornings, I would get out of my bed and stare out my window, wondering if today there was going to be a war. I'd listened to dad tell Josh all about the battles he'd fought long ago. I didn't want to have to stay in the palace all day, scared that a bomb would drop and kill us all. Eventually, I would get dressed and go downstairs to eat. I rarely ate my whole plate now. After breakfast, I'd go to school. Normally, I was the one to get in trouble for talking. But now, I just sat in my chair, staring out the window, not caring about anything the teacher said. Mom said my grades were starting to slip and that I had to work harder. I didn't care. When school was finished, I went back up to my room to sleep. I didn't want to play with anyone. I slept for two hours, and then got up to eat supper. Supper was the only mean I ate fully. By then, I would be so hungry, I usually had two servings. After supper, I'd go outside to sit by the river. I would lay on the ground and stair up into the sky. I was fascinated with the sky, both day and night. I would lay out there for hours, until mom called me in.
6 days had passed and I was walking down the hall to my room. I passed mom and dad's room and decided to listen to what they were talking about. Mom was talking very quietly. "Max, there's something wrong with Esther. I'm worried about her."  "I know. She won't even talk to me. I've tried talking to her, but she just sits there, staring at the window." Dad said. Mom said "She will barely eat her breakfast or lunch. I'm worried she's going to get sick."  "Do you think maybe she knows something?" Dad suddenly piped up. "What do you mean? Like, as in she heard you talking to Samai?" Mom asked. "Yeah. I mean, she started becoming depressed the day after we got back from Gollin." Dad seemed so determined to find out what was wrong with me. "Let's talk to her tonight." Mom said. With that, I got up and ran to my room. I didn't want to talk to mom or dad. They just made me angry because they wouldn't tell me what's going on.
That evening, right before I went to bed, mom and dad came walking into my room. "Esther, baby, can we talk to you?" Dad asked. "Sure." I responded. Mom and dad sat on either side of me, as if to block me from escaping from the bed. I sat there, my face emotionless. Mom started. "Baby, we're starting to get worried about you. Can you tell us what's wrong with you?" She always called me baby. She knew it made me feel special. I said nothing. I didn't feel like telling them anything. "Esther, please, tell us. You're not eating well, sleeping, or paying attention in school. What's wrong?" Dad pleaded. I sat there for a minute and then started to cry. The tears rolled down my cheeks and my eyes became puffy and red. Mom held me tight as if she would never let go of me. It was the most secure I'd ever felt with her in such a long time. Dad held my tiny hands in his. I knew my parents cared for me, but it had been so long since they'd shown it physically. I had felt so alone in the passed two years. "I'm scared! I don't want there to be a war! Daddy, please to don't leave me! Don't die like you did before!" I choked out, barely being able to breathe from all the sobs. Dad pulled me across his lap and wrapped his arms around me tight. "Don't you ever worry about me leaving you. I will never leave you. That was a mistake I made a long time ago and I learned from it. I won't die again, ever." He was almost crying now too. Mom's face was red and wet from her tears. She said to me softly, "Esther, you never have to worry about being alone. We're always going to be here with you. We may not always be with you physically and that's because we can't always be in the same room together. But, we will always be with you in spirit. In your heart, we will always be with you. We both love you so much."  "I love you too mommy. I know you love me, but sometimes I worry that you'll stop loving me." I struggled to keep my voice clear as I cried. "Why would you think that we would stop loving you?" Mom asked me. "Because, you are so busy with Kenton and Jodie all the time. I barely ever see you anymore. Daddy is always going on trips and the only reason I go with you on your trips is so I can be with YOU. At home, you're always having a meeting, so when we're traveling we can be together." There, I had let it out. Now they knew. I saw the sorrow in their eyes, how they regretted how distant they were from me. "I'm so sorry, baby." ,was all mom could say as she held me close. We sat there together. All three of us crying and letting out our pain. My parents had never known how much their pain had gotten through to me, and now it was almost over whelming. That night, we all slept together in their bed, so I would feel safe. I loved them so much, and I knew I would never feel so far away from them again.
The next day when I woke up, dad was still asleep. Mom probably got up an hour or two before to make breakfast and feed Jodie. I cuddle up to dad and he lifted his arm so he could snuggle me close.
In the afternoon, Uncle Michael and Aunt Isabel came over to visit. I knew what they were going to talk about, but I didn't say anything. We had our afternoon snack all together in the dining room. Afterwards, dad asked us children to go play. As I left the room, he winked at me and I winked back.

~~What happened in the dining room (narrorator's POV)~~

As soon as the kids left, Michael started the conversation."So Max, you've decided to declare war against Kore?"  "Yes. It's the only solution we have. We've tried talking to him, and he still refuses to leave us alone. We all know that if we don't start it, he will. It's best that we catch him by surprise and get a head start." Max informed the group. "And Michael is in charge of the army?" Isabel asked Max, her voice a little shaky. "Yes. I've dismissed General Samai from his position, since he is not trustworthy enough for me to give him my complete faith. Michael will be heading out to the main land in a couple of days to gather up the troups. You have a couple of days to spend with your family before you leave." Max said. Michael said,"Don't worry Isabel, everything will be fine. I'm not going to get hurt. We have far more advanced technology that will protect the army than Kore believes. Personally, I can't believe he has the guts to fight us. We have by far the most advanced army in the entire galaxy. He's crazy to be coming up against us." He spoke with such confidence. But, they all knew that Kore could easily have a secret weapon just waiting for the perfect moment to get into action. "And Max. You're staying here?" Isabel asked. "Yes, I can't risk my life like that when I have a planet to take care of. You understand don't you?" Max said, hoping his sister wouldn't have a fit about her husband having to leave, but her brother staying in the safety of his own home. But, she didn't say a thing. Instead, she smiled meekly and drank some coffee. Tess piped up and said, "Well, we better have a huge party for you, Michael. I mean, the people of Antar are going to expect a large party to see you and the army off. I'll get some of the maidens to help me plan the party." Isabel said, "I can help."  "Oh no. You have to spend time with your husband before he leaves. No, just leave it up to me. Anyways, you know how you get when you plan large events." Tess said as she reflected back to that Christmas of 2000 when Isabel became the well known Christmas Nazi. They all laughed at the memory. Back then, it had been so easy. There was no planet to care for, no children to worry about, no lives put in real danger. They sat there for a while, remembering what life was like before Antar. It was hard to believe that they once lived such carefree lives.

~~Back to Esther's POV~~

The next few days were hectic for mom. I could tell she wanted to spend more time with me, but she couldn't because of the huge party she was planning. I didn't mind. Josh and I had started to get along again and we played together all the time. Angie and Jeanie never came around, but that was because they were with their father. I felt so sorry for them because their dad was going to leave. I was so happy that dad had kept his promise. For a while, I didn't think he was actually going to stay. But, now I knew I could trust him to keep his word.
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