After Four Years...
Various Thoughts 2


On The Level
I GET SEX!!!!!!

Yesterday I had a day off from work, and it proved to be a most interesting day.  I'll first start off that I didn't go to sleep at all the night before, and so since things started happening at 7:00am, I had already been awake for 18 hours.  Around 6:30am I was talking to a former close friend of mine, and she told me that she had moved temporarily to a town within two hours of mine.  After, a bit she also told me that she was really really horny...  I of course responded that I had been horny for years.  She told me to drive out and see her and that I wouldn't regret doing so.  I was then torn between getting stuff that I really needed to do around town since I had been working so much, and sex...  of course the division in my mind didn't last long...  I chose SEX.
I drove out there to meet her.  Once I found her place, she was waiting for me on the front porch, and we directly headed off for some lunch.  We took it to the park, and after we finished, we took a walk on the trail, and just talked about stuff going on with each other.  Nothing really of consequence really.
We get back to the car, and she just came out and asked me if we should get a room, because the person she was living with was home.  I said sure...  so...  we split the cost of a hotel room, and it was one of those cheesy places, that pretty much knew what we were gonna do, and about how long we were gonna stay.  The front-desk clerk even said that it was too bad that they didn't charge by the hour, and that I would have to pay for a full-night anyway.
We get into the room, and start makin' out and such, but when the time for the condom comes, ripped as I put it on.  I started cussing, because they aren't supposed to  rip when you put them on (most of you already know this).  So what it came to was that I got dressed and drove a couple blocks to Wal-Mart, went in and bought some condoms from the pharmacy department.  The clerk there just laughed, I can imagina why...  my clothes weren't put on neatly, my hair was messed up, and I was very impatient with the lady in front of me...  I don't know what it was with the smart-ass comments that day, but the clerk asked me if she was waiting...  I just laughed and said yeah, I gotta hurry...
Finally....  I get back and I get some booty...  it wasn't the best, but it definetly wasn't the worst...

I was just happy to get laid.
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