Guest Rant
According to women, I am a good looking guy, sexy as
hell they say, I am just short of 6 feet, well built,
brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair. I should be
boinking like rabbits, I say, but guess what? I'm not.

I'm a musician, a singer, a published poet, I read, am
intelligent, (I at least know not to run with
scissors, and that fire is hot, not to touch it etc.),
and have a "bad boy" look. (People tell me I look like
Adrian Paul from the Highlander series.) I should be
slinging the thing like a fire hose, but, I'm not.

Why you ask? Because, I'm a nice guy, and most women
are superficial. Gasp! Wanna know why? Because most
guys are superficial too. Stick with me here, I'm not
going to go on a bashing rampage.

I drive a beat up looking '93 Nissan pickup truck,
why? Because it runs great, I hardly ever have to have
any work done on it, it gets great gas mileage, its
paid for, etc. Oh, but stand me up against a guy who
is identical to me in every way, but give him a sports
car or something like that, and guess who the woman
will pick.

Ok, now to change that idea up a bit, we both have
identical sports cars, we look identical, but one of
us is a total jerk, guess who STILL gets the woman.

I can't be a jerk, so I gets no luvin, sigh.

Now, what makes me an authority on this you say? Like
I said, I have a "bad boy" look, its just the way that
my face is arranged and the fact that I wear my hair
long. I have had a few girlfriends over the years, and
yes, I've made the beast with two backs, I hope that
this doesn't disqualify me here. But women have a
certain idea how I am, and what I am and expect me to
be that way, ie: a jerk. Once they get to know me they
often decide they don't want me, apparently because I
don't treat them like shit. I am the kind of guy who
puts his all into a relationship to make it work,
without being overbearing. Apparently that opens the
door to a woman's "Change Gland".

Now, I am a guy who likes who and what he is and in no
way wants to change. I am not opposed to changing
opinion if I can be convinced, but I'm not going to be
turned into the comsumeristic, vanity driven, no
opinion drone that women seen determined to reduce men
too. I ask you, is this some kind of power play or a
dissatisfaction with what they have, because they
think that the grass is always greener on the other
side? I think it is human nature, the hunter and
provider and progenitor aspect of men, that attracts

If a man wants an angel in the kitchen and a tiger in
bed, then women want a lump of play dough to boss
around with a foot long schlong, and plenty of money
for them to accomplish running said man through the
play dough factory. This is something that is
ingrained into men and women since at least puberty
and in some cases birth.

Is it so wrong to just want to find the right person
with whom you want to spend the rest of your life, who
will not try to change you? After all, they fall in
love with who you are, not, who you will be. This is a
nice thought isn't it. Well, it's actually more along
the lines of, they fall in love with who THEY think
you are and if they can't make you into that thing,
your SOL!

As much as I wanted to keep this from becoming a rant,
oh well, I'm through.

Let me part with this thought, Women! Can't live with
'em, can't shoot 'em!

Justice Lloyd
"Candy-gram for Mongo!"
    My first real guest rant.  I post it as an honor that there are other people who fit into my description.  If more follow, I will dedicate an entire section of guest rants.  Our voices WILL be heard!!!!!
Its Over


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