Amy: The Sequel

Amy Chronicles

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My most recent experience was with Amy.  After work one evening, my supervisor, the AM supervisor, a departmnet head, Amy (also a department head), and myself go out to a local restaurant for a beer.  This restaurant closes earlier than bars and a few of us were no finished drinking yet.  So, Amy, the AM supervisor, Chris, and I decided to head to an actual bar for the rest of the night.  Chris didn't tell us at the time, but he had forgotten his ID at work.  Even though he appears every bit of his 28 years, the bars around town check IDs and say you must have a valid ID while drinking in case the police show up.  We tried, but they didn't let him in.  So Amy suggests that we get some beer from the store and go back to her place, which wasn't far from the bar we were trying to get into.  Once at her place, we drink have a good time, she especially takes my beer bottles and suggestively licks the top to "make it taste better" as she put it.  Well, we all pass out there...  Chris takes the bed (he is also happily married), so Amy and I cuddle up together on the couch.
This starts my dilemma....
While Chris is happily snoring away, neither Amy nor I passed out as quickly due in part to the snoring...  so we had a little talk, here is how it went...

Amy: "Are you comfortable?"

Me: "Yes, very"

"You can't be comfortable with me laying on you"

"Actually, I am"

"Good...  I didn't want to move." *there is about a 5 minute pause*
"Do you like me?"

"Sure, I do"


"Because, you have an awesome personality, and have a great attitude towards everything"
"Do you like me?"

*nods her head yes* "uh-huh"


"Because...  you're...  you're really cool"

*another pause about 5 minutes*

"You sure you're comfortable?"

"If I weren't...  I wouldn't have stayed this way with you"

*sighs* "I wish this could be on a more permanent basis"

"Why can't it?"

"Because....  of work"

"I won't tell anyone if you don't"

"How long does a secret last at work?"

"True....  we'd be found out in 2 days"

"If I only wasn't a manager, and you a...  a..."

"Hourly employee"


"Maybe we should talk about this when both of us are a little more awake and a little more sober..."

"I think I would be more about the rules then"

"What rules?"

"Managers and hourly employees can't date"

"We'll talk more when were both sober"

"Still I would be more about the rules then..."

"We'll see..."
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