The Moon of the Falcon - La Luna del Halcón
7 February - 6 March

A sacred animal to the Mayans, it was considered that people born under its moon enjoyed
exceptionally good luck all of his or her life.  It was also said that, in having one of these, for the
family it was a blessing for every member.  Its character is strong and it has a very big ambition.
Its sense of duty and responsibility are beyond all doubt, with the result that they worry too much
about others.  They have been born to lead and they hate to be given orders.

Animal sagrado para los mayas, se consideraba que personas nacidas durante su luna gozaban de
su suerte exceptional a lo todo su vida.  También se decía que de tener a una de estas para en la
familia era una bendición para todos los miembros.  Su carácter es fuerte y su ambición muy
grande.  Su sentido del deber y la responsibilidad está fuera de toda duda, de ahí que se preocupen
tanto por los suyos.  Han nacido para mandar y odian recibir órdenes.

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