The Moon of the Monkey - La Luna del Mono
11 January - 6 February

They possess a strength and physical resistance that is bomb-proof (iron-clad).  He or she likes
challenges and they have a soul of a Don Quijote.  They are open people, of positive mentality
and with a great sense of humor, although on occasions the jokes and comments are somewhat
difficult for them to understand.  In the workplace, they always want to let loose their imagination
and to feel a certain amount of freedom.  The monkey is full of (good) qualities, but if (the
monkey) doesn't walk in a careful manner, his or her edginess can be harmful.

Poseen una fortaleza y resistencia física a prueba de bombas.  Le gustan los retos y tienen alma de
quijotes.  Son personas abiertas, de mentalidad positiva y con un gran sentido del humor, aunque
en ocasiones chistes y comentarios resultan algo difíciles de entender.  En el trabajo, siempre
quieren dar rienda suelta a su imaginación y sentir cierta libertad.  El mono está lleno de
cualidades, pero si no se anda con cuidado, su nerviosismo le puede perjudicar.

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