The Moon of the Scorpion - La Luna de la Alacrán
23 August - 19 September

Su gran inteligencia es uno de los rasgos más característicos de este signo, algo que empieza a
notar desde la más tierna infancia.  El Alacrán posee también un excelente memoria, tanto para lo
bueno como para lo malo, y aunque no es negative, olvida jamás una ofensa.  Celoso de su
intimidad y su vida privada, a veces sus mejores cualidades pasan desapercibidas por culpa de la
timdez.    A pesar de ello, está lleno de buenos sentimientos y le encanta  ayudar a los demás.

His (or her) great intelligence is one of the most characteristic traits of this sign, something which
begins to be noticed from the most tender years of childhood.  The Scorpion also possesses an
excellent memory, which is as much a good thing as it is a bad thing, and although it is not
negative, this is the one who will never forget an offense (or affront).  He (or she) is jealous of his
or her privacy and private life, so at times their best qualities remain hidden or covered up on
account of their shyness.  In spite of all of that, they are full of good feelings and they are happy
to lend a helping hand to others.

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