The Moon of the Snake - La Luna de la Serpiente
2 May - 29 May

This animal comes across in the collection of Mayan animals in the same fashion as that of the fox.
It doesn't have any of the negative connotations that has been given to it in the West.  Quite the
opposite, it represents the redemptive spirit that illuminates the mind.  They like to live well, but
that doesn't mean that they don't have a strict and unwavering ethical code.  Always refined and
exquisite, the snake won't give its love to just anyone.  It is very intelligent and convenient to have
it as a friend rather than as a dangerous rival.

Este animal le sucede en el bestiario maya lo mismo que al zorro.  No tiene ninguna de las
connotaciones negativas que se la han dado en Occidente.  Todo lo contrario, representa el
espíritu salvador que ilumina las mentes.  Les gusta vivir bien, pero eso no significa que no tengan
estricto código ético que jamás se salta.  Siempre refinada y exquisita, la serpiente no entregará su
amor al cualquiera.  Es muy inteligente y conveniente tenerla como amiga, que es un peligroso

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