The Moon of the Fox - La Luna del Zorro
4 April - 1 May

They possess a heart of gold and they have some of the purest of intentions as (found in) few
other signs.  And it is such that in the Mayan culture, this animal was not astute and malicious as
in our cultures, but diligent(watchful), ingenious and with a magnificent intuition.  The second
characteristic that defines those who are born under this sign is discretion.  They will escape from
the center of attention (the spotlight) and they are evolve or grow better in the shadows.  His or
her place is the secondary plane, and it is not because they don't deserve to be first, but because
they prefer their anonimity.

Poseen un corazón de oro y unas intenciones puras como pocos signos.  Y es que en la cultura
maya, este animal no era astuto y maligno como en la nuestra, sino despierto, ingenioso y con una
magnífica intuición.  La segunda característica que definen a quienes nacen baja este signo es la
discreción.  Huyen de los focos y se desenvuelvan mejor en las sombras.  Lo suyo es el segundo
plano y no por que no valgan para ser primeros sino porque prefieren el anonimato.

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