Mac's Fan Fiction

Title: B & J
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Catherine is sick and Grissom has to make a decision.

Choices. Why do there always have to be choices? You can't get through life without making choices. Sure some you don't have a voice in the matter. Every heart beat, every breath we draw- those are made by the machine inside our head. It doesn't even consult our conscious part.

The others can be easy. What flavor ice cream do you like? Should you go to the dentist? What classes to take in school. Where to work that first job after college. Yet others seem so simple that in reality they are hard.

Who do you like? Who do you really like? Love? How about marriage? Do I wear a royal blue sweater or standard black. Who do you tell your most personal and deepest thoughts? Do you share your worries with them? Do you tell your best friend that you are going deaf?

Life itself is filled with questions and choices. Every step we take brings us to another fork in the road. For once in my life I would like to spend five minutes where I don't have to make a single decision.

I hate making decisions for others. It's bad enough to make your own decision, but to tell others what to do, that's an even greater responsibility.

Handing out assignments may seem routine, but it can tear your heart out. I wanted to take the case, but I had to deal with the consequences of another decision that I made. And because of that I couldn't be there when I was needed most.

"Grissom? Are you still there?"

"Yeah, just got lost in thought for a moment. You were saying?"

"We could always go out instead, it's not like I'm an invalid or anything."

"Where would you want to go?"

"Someplace warm. But none of those saccharine sweet places where every one smiles and is so glad to meet some one that they don't even know."

"That takes out two-thirds of the restaurants in town, Cath."

"ACHOO! I don't care. *sniffle* I'm tired at staring at these four walls all day. Did you know my basement has eighty-seven god-awful tiles for a ceiling?"

"No, I didn't. Bored were you?"

"Grissom! Ugh, there's no talking to you. Put my daughter on the phone." I handed my cell to Lindsey and looked at what was in front of me.

Sometimes she could be so impossible and that is when she's healthy. I would have thought she would love to enjoy the indoors on one of the coldest days we've had in Vegas. Yet another choice- stay in or go out?

I feel Lindsey tug on my sleeve and look down at her.

"Uncle Grissom, how much longer are we going to be?"

"Your mom wants to know?" Lindsey nodded her head in response and I held out my hand for the phone. She said a quick good bye to her mom and handed it to me.

"Catherine, what were the flavors you liked?"

"Gil Grissom, so help if you're still buying ice cream. It was supposed to be a twenty minute trip."

"I got the chips you wanted as well."

"Just grab the mint chocolate ship and cookie dough, and check out!"

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