Nautilan Historical Archives

Era I: Birth (August thru December 2000)
The history of the NFS begins in the genius imagination of Jules Verne. Written in 1890, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea inspired millions of people and captured the awe of countless others with the gripping tales of Captain Nemo's adventures in his submarine, the Nautilus. This also inspired us to develop the NFS. President Caruso worked in secret to develop the NFS into a nation, or rather, a micronation. By October the basics of the government and society had been developed and we had decided to follow in Jule's Verne's classical Victorian style.

Era II: A Nation (January thru Feburary 2001)
The absence from the NFS of a website and forum kept us relatively limited to e-mail, which, at the time, was fine by us. The NFS acted in covert scouting other micronations and keeping an eye on the micronational community. We did this mainly because we did not wish to become involved in the pan-micronational community, simply because it was viewed as too unstable to provide us with any benefits. Around this time some members had lost interest and the NFS became limited to two citizens, R.D. Caruso and Lance. With only two people the NFS was deemed unable to continue and the nation put "on hold" until we could do further work.

Era III: A New Start (March thru April 2001)
The nation was put on hold for all of March and Lance also left in that time leaving the NFS with one sole guardian; Caruso. Temoe had been discovered in December 2000 and we had watched it's inactivity since then. Caruso took it upon himself to aquire the nation for the NFS as our only land based facilities and to build a website for Nautila. That is what you see now. The nation has been started going again even with just Caruso and we are now on a recruiting drive to get new citizens. With only one person we have resorted to maintaining a Military Republic until we can fill positions and return full Democracy to the state.

Era IV: Apathy Again (May thru August 2001)
It seemed that just as the NFS had rejoined micronations we were hit with another bad turn of events. When the NFS went public we were faced with the crisis of two server crashes resulting in the loss of two sites. In addition, micronationalism was in a complete state of apathy. Everywhere micronations were disappearing off the map, swalloed up in inactivity forever. Yet the NFS persevered. As early August rolled around, it looks as though activity had begun to pick up once again. The addition of new nations to the Apollo Sector and the dissolution of older ones has cleaned the slate, giving us a all a fresh start. The future looks promising and once again we will face it with strength.

Not enough on here? That's because we don't have enough history! Change that!

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