PMS- Poor Mountian State
Shrill in the fear of the Poor Mountian State Penguins
the Penguins
Our Mascot, created after Jeffy Sausage the great.
This is your future staring you in the face, and you need to grab it by the testies and give it a wild ride. Son, we are not a controlling college. We specialize in talk show behavior. You will learn real good  in this exciting courses designed for you.
Required to graduate:

Learning to not pronounce all syllables 101-401
Hand Gestures 101-201
Talking "ghetto"- 101- 501
Useing the term 'slept with' correct 101
Pretented to be stoned/just had sex 101-301
Powerful Image
Every Girl in a America knows that a person that can speak proper English is a failure at life. Girls want outlaws and retards that can't count there own fingers! After you go here, your life will increase by 20%!! WOAH! You will attracted more people of the same sex, and even some...DEAD ANIMALS. Where the only college that will offer you that, FO' SHORE SISTA?!
If this seems like the the real you and something you've been emotionally needing forever and ever till a day thats never and stuff then this might be for you. Call 1800-northbootie and talk to a professional about your future and where you fit, why you should consider suiside and other VIDAL info you need to start your career! You will make friends, enemies and fans on talkshows like Gerold Spinger, Maury, Dr. Phil, the Teleitubbies and more dude, more!
if you attend PMS. Just remember our catch phrase:
Major arrest taking place of old principle Bidick Pork, the pain in this photo is very powerful. Try not to cry.
PMS is a great thing, sure dont be messed!
Poor Mountain State is for you!!!

Located in the Hobo center of the world, hobo NY on top of Jeffy Sausage hill, in the middle of a box park!
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