The NFB Club ONF
Club Anniversary Day

On November 24, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of NFB-Club-ONF with a day of film and dining. Forty-five Club members were joined by NFB administrators and staff to help mark the event.

The weather was terrible with constant rain and, on that one day, Public Works decided to begin major construction on both front and back NFB parking lots on C�te de Liesse. The result... limited parking and an abondance of mud.

Inside however, it was warm and congenial. Anthony Kent planned screenings of the much acclaimed film What Remains of Us (Ce qu'il reste de nous), a heart-warming story of the people of Tibet and a message smuggled to them from the exiled Dalai Lama.

Kalsang Dolma, a young Tibetan refugee in Quebec who carried the video message, was with us to answer questions about herself and the film.

The French version of the film was presented in the morning and the English version in the afternoon. In between, all gathered in Theatre Two, which was fittingly decorated for the occasion, for a buffet lunch.

During the meal, Marie-Pierre Trernblay presented Kalsang with a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Club in appreciation of her attendance and her extraordinary work.

I had the opportunity to thank all of our members for their interest and royalty over the years; our committee for all of its work and also the many members of the NFB staff who have helped us in various ways since the Club began. I mentioned, as well, that in the past ten years, the Club has published 40 newsletters, organized over 50 events and replied to hundreds of phone calls, letters and E-Mails requesting information on the NFB, its employees, its films and the Club itself.

Government Film Commissioner Jacques Bensimon then expressed his appreciation of NFB-Club-ONF and his congratulations on our anniversary. He said : "I was fortunate to have worked with some of you when I was a filmmaker, and I only have to look around me to remember how much you have contributed to this institution. On behalf of all those who work at the NFB today, I extend to you my warmest and most heartfelt thanks. Your hard work has paved the way for everyone who has followed."

He then drew a lucky draw ticket for a gift that the NFB had donated and the winner was Jean-Pierre Joutel. The GFM then officially cut the Club's anniversary cake. Then a surprise... on behalf of the Club's committee, Anthony Kent presented gifts of appreciation to both Olivier Foug�res and myself. We were both greatly touched by this thoughtful gesture.

Before closing for the day, all Club members in attendance received an anniversary gift. We hope that soon all of you will receive the same gift either by picking it up at your nearest NFB office or by mail. Details will follow.

My only regret, in this our tenth year, is that all of our membership can not get together to celebrate our history.

We had the opportunity to meet with Kalsang Dolma after the screening.

... and there was no lack of questions !

photos : Guy Maguire

Click on pages 2 to 5 for more photos.

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