Seeing eye dog

This woman is waiting for a bus on a street corner. Across the street
she sees a blind man with a seeing eye dog approach the intersection.

All of a sudden, the dog lurches out into traffic, pulling the man
along. Cars are screeching and swerving barely able to fish-tail out  
of hitting the man.

She is gasping at what she just witness. Then she notices that the
blind man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dog biscuit and
holds it out for the dog.

She is amazed and can't help but say " Sir, that dog pulled you into
traffic and almost got you killed!"

The blind man replies "Yes I know, I heard all of the cars!"

So, she says " But then why on earth are you rewarding him with a dog
biscuit after he almost got you killed?"

And the blind man says "Oh, I'm not rewarding him.  I'm just trying to
figure out which end is which, so I can kick him in the ass.

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