This is the page where my cats rule, as they do most of my world in general.
I have four kitties named, in order of appreance:

Emma von Fleck

(Fleck/fl�ck = spot in Swedish and she has, quite apropriately I might add,  a squarish redcouloured spot by her mouth.)
She is a black/red toritoise shell, and an ex-ferral who resents being cuddled, but loves food, sleeping and her pal Oscar.

Which brings us to the next member of my furry family:

Oscar Wilde.

He too is an ex-feral, from the same place as Emma, thus he has the last name
Wilde = wild ( this is the part where you go "haha, that's real clever"...)
He is a very pretty blue, slim guy, with yellow/green eyes.
He enjoys food (what else,) hanging around and trying to cuddle with his big idol, Teddy, and sleeping under my matress.

Next in line is:

Aria von Tass

(Tass = paw, as she's got a red coloured paw.) She too is a red and black tortoiseshell and an ex-feral and also enjoys the status of being the queen of the household. She rules us all with an ironclad paw. She enjoys keeping us all in check, sleeping, eating, cuddling Teddy and teasing and slapping Oscar around.

Which brings us to the big ( and when I say big, I mean big like in 13 pounds big...) King of the household:


He enjoys EATING, and SLEEPING and cuddling with me, and has to put up with trying to dodge the affections of Aria and Oscar. He and I have a very deep connection, and he is definitely  "mummy's boy."
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