Disclaimer: Unfortunately, no matter how many times I wish upon that star, Gundam Wing still remains the rightful property of Sunrise, Bandai, Sotsu Agency and other associated parties. The characters used in this fictional piece do not belong to me, and have been used without permission. This has been done for entertainment purposes only, where no exchange of money has taken place. Reproductions of any sort, other than those mentioned, are not intentionally done, and shall be removed should they cause any offence.

Title: One through to nineteen (Prologue)
Author: KK ([email protected])
Archive: 'Gundam Wing - Into the dreamscape': http://blbgw.homestead.com/Home.html Anyone else, ask and you shall most likely receive. ^^
Category: Fluff, WAFF?
Pairings: 1+2
Rating: PG? PG-13? U? ><
Warnings/label: Shonen-ai, OOC?, PWP?, fluff
Feedback: Yes, please!
Notes: ^_^ Another bout of randomness kind of splurted from me and this is the result. It was a friend's birthday, and one of my chums was giving her birthday beats�sooooo�. ^_^ Enjoy?
Additional: Good Luckies for Ely! ^_^ Was going to send luck to you on DIY, but seeing as that is refusing to be written, they're here instead. ^_^ Good Luck on your Japanese results! And congrats for your theory! =^-^=

One through to nineteen
A GW fanfiction by Koko Kitty


"Seeing as it's your birthday, I should give you nineteen birthday punches."

"Uhh�heh heh�I think I'll pass there, Heero."

"Or maybe�I should give you nineteen birthday kisses�"



Heh�ok, this is short as anything. I thought that splitting it would be a good way to show the break between the two scenes, and a way to test out the multi-part function thing on ff.net. ^_^; Gomen for this!

More? =^-^=


On to Part 2

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