Midday was the busiest part of the day. This was not true at the Tendo household. Midday was the most boring part of the day, especially on a Sunday, where people were all too busy relaxing on their happy day off to really do anything major, like plot against their enemies or cook up a heart-felt but utterly idiotic plan to capture their loved one's heart. However, this Sunday was different. The postman did not come on a regular basis to the Tendo residence, or any other residence on his assigned block. The major reason was he had trouble reading maps and following directions, and the minor reason was that he was even more busy searching for his wife and two children so they could take that vacation to America that he had so desperately wanted to take. That, of course, is a plot for another story. Still, his rounds weren't ones to arrived on a regular basis, and often the local post office administrators ended up with a serious backlog of mail to deliver to that area, which would take days to sometimes months to correct. The mail that was vital to this day, however, was being expressed delivered at the expenses of one Kouji Tanaka, who will soon be recognized for his importance in this story. Nabiki Tendo shuffled through the bills and collecting agencies with a tired, haggard expression on her face. There was little good news in her hand, and even less on her mind. "Any important mail, honey?" Her father asked ask as she walked in the room. "No, just the usual bills, past due notices, and repossession letters." She loathed having to pay those off. The workers were always trying to get a hot date with her, and it didn't help that they weren't necessarily the best or brightest. "A shame, really. Weren't you expecting something today?" "... Yes." Nabiki blinked in surprise at her father's sudden attentions. "How did you know that?" "Well, you'd have to be blind to not see that you've been hopping around anxiously, waiting for that grant reply." He folded the paper, and offered her a smile. "I'm sure it's there. You're a very responsible girl." Her heart warmed. So the old guy did pay attention. "Thanks, daddy. I hope it--" she blinked as the object of her anxiety appeared from the pile of raging bills. The letter was from the Harvard finances board, and looked to be wrapped in the official envelopes used to transfer administrative or government funds. "It's here!" She allowed herself a moment of happiness. If this came though okay, then her first year's tuition expenses would be covered. If only. "Well, what are ya' waitin' for?" Ranma said, suddenly appearing from the kitchen. "Open it up and see how much they granted ya'." "... Everybody was actually paying attention?" she asked with more than some shock. "Well, yeah. You've been hopping around back and forth for a month trying to raise that money." The youngest Saotome shrugged. "Though I wouldn't know why you'd want to go there when you could probably make something better, like Toudai or something." Nabiki arched an eyebrow. "It's a matter of connections, Saotome." "'Kay. So open it already." She had a crowd around her now, from Akane stepping in from upstairs, and Kasumi arriving with groceries, Ryouga assisting her. She opened it with trepidation...and almost broke into tears as she read the letter of rejection. The bills suffered the brunt of her displeasure and anger, being scattered across the floor at her feet. "Nabiki?" Akane and Soun chorused. "They rejected my request," she said simply. "Oh, Nabiki..." Kasumi wrapped her sister in a hug, and there were sullen looks all around. "I'll...find a way in. I'm not worried." Her tone completely betrayed what she was feeling. By the look of the bills, she was just better off accepting the invite to her backup local college while she tried to keep the household afloat. Who cared anyway? It was just a silly, high-class, once-in-a-lifetime chance to make the best of herself... ******************* Nabiki punched the numbers with a frequency unknown to her. The bills were not going to fix themselves, and though everyone had done their best to cut things down, the daily grind of the Tendo household was not cheap. A stray letter caught her off guard. The construction company? She'd already paid them off, and was certain that they'd received their check. Irritated that someone else would dampen her already glum day, she opened the letter, sifting through the cost... and scared the neighbors for six blocks around with her scream. "Nabiki! What happened?" There was an influx of traffic as everyone responded to her outcry. Kasumi was first on the scene, with Ranma and Ryouga playing a close second, bodies both tense for some sign of a threat. The rest followed soon after, and all were surprised to see the middle Tendo girl crying. "Nabiki? What's wrong?" Kasumi asked with a worrisome look. "I've never seen so many zeros in my life..." the girl murmured. "Huh?" Akane pried the letter out of her hands, and let her jaw drop. "This is a bill?" "NO! It's a check. A really, really big check!" "Eh?" Akane blinked in confusion. Nabiki, who still had the letter in her hand, began to read the letter aloud: "To the residence of the Tendo Dojo: I'm sure you're more than familiar with my company, Tanaka Constructions, as we are highly familiar with you. Thanks to your considerable exploits, we at the company have gained high acclaim and demand from our consumer market, and have grown to a global standpoint. Your many fights and exploits have given us all a chance to hone our skills to erect buildings that will last against something more terrible than nature itself: enraged martial artists." Ranma and Ryouga grumbled, but the girl ignored them, continuing. "Do not get me wrong, it is because of you that my business is booming, and my family is well off. You've all made a happy man out of me, and I feel it is only honorable that you receive some of the benefits of Tanaka Constructions's success. Within this letter is a lifetime discount slip, as well as one of three lump sum donations into the head of the household's finance account. It does not begin to convey my thanks, but I hope it is a start. "Thank you for your patronage, and you have my greatest gratitude." - Kouji Tanaka, CEO Tanaka Constructions Soun took the check from Akane's hand and blinked. "Are they serious?" "Very! This will more than pay for everything, and if the other two are anywhere even remotely similar, then we can finally stop worrying about finances!" And I have my way to Harvard, she thought gleefully. Surely the angels were looking out for her. "RANMA SAOTOME! I AM TRUNKS, AND I CHALLENGE YOU!" "Damnit, of all the times," the young martial artist grumbled, dashing out the backdoor of the house. Well, almost. For once, Nabiki didn't wince at the sounds of destruction outside. In fact, they sounded heavenly to her. Perhaps Saotome had paid up his debts after all. ******************* This was the result of an all-nighter to revise the entire series of Homemade Viagra while downloading manga scans. It's not particularly funny, and I know a lot of The dramatic timing is off. I'm just too sleepy to fix it. Hope you enjoyed, and Back to the Hack with me. K. Murasaki (6/25/02)