If you've come this far, then you should know the drill, but for the sake of repetitiveness, the following contains scenes of sexually explicit nature (for those with good imaginations; otherwise it's a boring story), and not intended for viewing by bipeds below the age of eighteen (18). All characters are property of Rumiko Takahashi, who is probably getting a good chuckle out of this by now somewhere. ***************************** *Epilogue* It was a peculiar day that followed after the incidents with the horrid cooking incident. Nabiki remained deep at her desk in school, not paying much attention to her usual business around her. Kasumi... was Kasumi, and went about her daily tasks, the only difference being a barely notable bounce in her step. The two patriarchs of the Saotome and Tendo household were thankfully unaware of the situation, and remained so for a great duration of time. Life went on. However, this being Ranma Saotome in Nerima district, Tokyo, that carried a good deal of weighted chaos with it. He was extremely worried of what the future would bring after the weekend's little romp into places unknown to him. For the first time in his life, he knew true anxiety, because he truly did NOT want to be around for the almost fated explosion that this was going to make. He sat there in class pondering deeply what places he could hide until it blew over, but looked at his first roadblock, and the biggest cause of his fear. Akane, outside of knocking him for a loop the previous day, had not made move one, nor word one toward the subject, indeed acting as if nothing had ever taken place. This scared him more than anything else did because it meant that she was either plotting against him, or she was going to kill him. Whatever what was going to occur, he knew he wasn't going to like it one bit. Then there were the others to worry about. One way or the other, they were going to eventually realize that they weren't the only ones that were touched, and then the seeking and violence would ensue. Worst still, one of them might pop up with his child, and that was something that he could not walk away from, which made it an incredibly volatile situation. There was going to be no real way out of the explosion, but that wouldn't stop him of thinking of a way out. The convents and temples were looking like a great idea for instance. Ranma slumped further in his seat, trying desperately to recall Happousai's invisibility technique to put it to good use. They can't blow up at a target they couldn't see, could they? ***************************** The next day saw Saotome to school in the same pensive, paranoid mood he had been in the previous day, much to Akane's amusement. The baka deserved every minute of it, certainly, though she did feel slightly guilty about it, considering that she was more or less the cause of his whole situation, but that didn't change the fact that it was entertainment. She knew full well what might be coming. No real telling just how many of his harem that he had gotten through, but that would soon be known one way or the other. She knew how serious the situation might be, that one of the girls might try to claim him because of their position with him. It was a given fact, and not much of one she could do something about. That would usually lead to frustration, which would lead oddly to an injured Ranma, but she remained calm about it, not even resulting to further pot shots at the martial artist. She had to, it was part of the plan, afterall. In her mind, the way it played out, she was one step behind the others in the pursuit of Ranma, and she was fully admitting it. She might not want him as strongly as the other girls, she had pointed out to herself that they had spent a moment around each other, and despite all the chaos, she was sure she'd be shortchanging herself by letting the others have a higher playing field on her with the idiot than she did. It was just plain wrong to let them have such leverage on her for someone she valued, so she planned. She was going to pull her favor from him when he least expected it, and until that moment, she was going to let him sweat. At first, she seemed unsure of her idea, not sure of how she should act around Ranma with such intentions in her head. Then taking note of how he treaded around Nabiki, Kasumi, and herself as if walking on eggshells, she felt better, more confident of herself. Let him be worried and uncertain of her actions. He'd know in time, and then he was hers, plain and simple. She looked over at the boy, an almost predatory smirk playing across the left side of her face, making him cringe in reaction. Until she was ready, he could suffer, and suffer well. ***************************** "Hurry up Ranma, there are other people that'd like to use the restroom too!" Akane banged on the furo door again for the eighth time that morning. Ranma had rushed in there past her, nearly bowling her over, and had thrown the latch on the door. She could only barely make out the retching sounds. Not that she cared much, she still had to get washed and dressed for school, something he was holding up. "Open up the damn door Ranma!" More nauseating sounds resulted, but the door finally opened. A pale Saotome stepped out of the door, wiping his mouth with tissue. Akane barely gave him a second look as she shoved by, but stopped and turned. "What'd you do, fall in? Take less time next time baka." Ranma looked to retort, but shuddered instead, and stumbled to his room. Akane smirked. So he was afraid then. That was the fourth time she had bated him, and he didn't even bother where he would react automatically given a usual circumstance. Somehow, thinking about that made her smile all that much more. ***************************** The trip to school was uneventful, even no Kuno that morning at the front gates. Ranma glanced around the campus, as if expecting an attack. Akane raised an eyebrow at him. "Looking for something?" "It can't be this simple," He said quietly. "There's no way it's supposed to be this quiet." "Expecting something?" She asked, turning to met his gaze fully, and watching him flinch slightly. "You might say that." Of course he was expecting someone, rather, someones. It was too unusual for everything to be this quiet after what happened. There should have been females everywhere claiming him, or claiming his blood. Where was everybody? Even Kuno was gone, and he wasn't even involved. "Well, you go ahead and play your paranoid games, I'm heading to class." Akane continued on to the building, and Ranma eventually followed, keeping his senses tuned for the slightest discrepancy. His stomach burbled in protest. From her classroom window, Nabiki watched the boy head slowly into the school, and chuckled to herself. He really was expecting the other boot to drop on him, and hard. As he should be, of course. There had to be some kind of backlash for the fun he had this weekend. And of course, she'd take her piece out of him as well. He was good with her, damn good, and she found herself wanting more, truth be told. And what Nabiki wanted, Nabiki would get. It was just a matter of making her move at the right time. Nabiki smirked, knowingly, and turned back to wait for class to begin. ***************************** "Ranma Saotome, please report to the principal's office." Everyone looked at the boy in question, and he grumpily got up and shuffled out the door. He turned a corner, and continued to shuffle, getting a bad feeling in the pit of his still queasy stomach. Very queasy. Dangerously so. After a quick stop at the bathroom, and a wash up afterwards, Ranma headed to the school's main office, and opened the door marked 'Principal.' He then was immediately shocked to find no principal Kuno in sight, but his daughter instead. [And it begins,] he thought glumly. "Ranma-sama," She cooed, walking, no, gliding up to his side. She ran a finger down his torso, and the boy switched his location to the other side of the room. "Where's principal Kuno?" Kodachi smiled, and Ranma shuddered at the hungry look. "Why I sent the dear man on his way of course. He's out enjoying his day off, while you and I can get some private time alone." Ranma backed himself to a shelf, wary of Kodachi's intentions. "Like that's gonna' happen." He frowned. "Look, I apologize for what happened, I had no control over myself. There's nothing going on between us." Kodachi laughed, and walked to Ranma's side again. Ranma shuddered, not knowing how to take the odd, non-maddening sound coming from her mouth. "But there is my stallion. You have me, if you want to admit it or not." She trailed her hand across him again, and grabbed him to prevent his evasion. "You ravaged me the other day, Ranma-sama. You took me, like I was yours from the start, and I reveled in it. I belong to you now, just as you belong to me." She slid a hand underneath his pants, making his eyes go wide. "Of course you wouldn't believe that I'd leave such a magnificent man alone, now would you?" Ranma gulped, as familiar feelings took hold of him, but of his own reactions now instead of any drug. "It was an accident, I didn't mean to." He got out weakly. "But you did, nonetheless, and now we are joined." She pumped the growing erection with her small hand. "Even if not in marriage, then in passion. Isn't it wonderful?" She smiled at him, hunger in her eyes. "So what do you expect me to do about it? I ain't doing that ever again." Ranma said in retort. "Why of course you are." Boldly, she pulled down his pants and boxers, and wrapped her lips around his shaft, sucking briefly, then letting go, trailing her tongue along the base while she was at it. "You wouldn't be letting me do things like this to you, otherwise, now would you?" She had a point. Why was he letting her do this? He could shove her off at any given time he wanted, but he was letting her do what she wanted? Why? Kodachi smiled at him, and continued bobbing her head on his, slurping, licking, and doing other things to curl Ranma's toes. Maybe that was why he wasn't stopping her; was it that possible for something that felt so good to be so bad? He stopped thinking, and let her do her work, watching her motions with a fascinated eye. He felt himself building, and motioned the lithe form of Kodachi to stop. Kodachi felt his knob twitching in her mouth, and doubled her efforts. Within moments, Ranma grunted, and pumped her mouth full of his seed. She took it all in, swallowing and sucking still, then let him hang from her mouth while she stood up. Ranma gasped as white hot pleasure wracked his system, then found himself staring into the tender, hungry eyes of Kodachi, and for once not being afraid. "Anytime you want that Ranma-sama. Anytime. I'll be there. I trust you will do the same for me, ne?" Ranma could only watch in mixed feelings as the Kuno girl gathered herself, and left the office. ***************************** She had made up her mind. She didn't like how it went at all. He had been controlling her from day one, always having the high ground since the day at her tournament when he knocked her from her log. He'd always had an edge on her. Making her chase him across two continents, and then be content with playing such trivial games with those other hussies of his. That was the worse part. Always playing second when he decided that he didn't want to make a choice between any of them, playing with them. No doubt after he was done with her that evening, he went to sate himself with the rest of his harem. That wasn't much of the problem; she expected males like him to do so. However, he was forgetting just who the hell was in charge of the relationship. Concubines were fine to her, she expected males to be wild in such areas; her mother had taught her that much. But for him to think that he could just... RUN her like that? It was completely uncalled for, and disrespectful on his part. To just take her virginity in such a way, and then continue along without so much as a word to her? It was pleasant, but he was drastically forgetting just who was head of the relationship. She was Amazon, she was aggravated, and she was not going to take it. Not anymore. She turned from cleaning to Mousse, who was sullen since he reappeared in the restaurant. "Mu Tsu." She spat in her own tongue. The boy in question, still trying desperately to forget what had occurred only so many days ago, turned to her. "Yes?" Shampoo had a fire in her eyes that Mousse was familiar with, as he had seen it around the rest of the girls at home. She had finally taken what she could from the Saotome boy then. Good for him; about time he got what he deserved. "Come with me, you're going to help me." [This,] he thought with a sudden pit in his gut. [Cannot be good.] ***************************** "So Saotome, I heard that you were called to the main office." Ranma stopped spacing off and looked at the standing form of Nabiki in front of him. She had a business look on her face, giving the boy a pit in his unstable stomach, which didn't take too well to Kodachi's treatment. "Yeah, so?" he said, trying to remain a nonchalant composure. "Isn't that a bit strange considering that he called in sick today?" Ranma gulped. Figured that would be what Kodachi meant by the coot having the day off. "So what?" "So," Nabiki said, leaning into his ear, making his pulse race. "That means that you were in there for a moment with no authority present. My only question is which one was it Ranma-kun?" Ranma remained silent. No way he was gonna' let her know that he got a number put on him by the Black Rose. "Well, it doesn't much matter anyway," she said, sitting next to him by the tree. "That will take care of itself. What I came to talk to you about was about what we did the other day." Ranma only nodded nervously. "What about it? It was only..." Nabiki waved him off. "Yeah, Kasumi explained the leftovers. What I mean to say is that you took something from me that wasn't yours to take. As fun and satisfying as it was, there's still a matter of payment for pleasure rendered. "Now the way I see it, what we did wasn't a bad thing, and I wouldn't mind a little more, but on my terms." Ranma shook his head in disgust. "I ain't repeating no stunt like that no more. You can do what you want, just leave me out of it." He turned to go, but Nabiki stopped him. "So you're saying I was less satisfying than Kasumi? Then Shampoo? Just how many others have you had Ranma? You do something this radical, and then just plan on leaving it like that?" "Yeah, I do." Ranma said. "I'm not going to get any deeper in this than I have to. You'll just have to find a new playmate." "Then maybe Daddy or Saotome-san would know someone else that I could play with?" Ranma froze. "You wouldn't." Nabiki smiled in victory. "Maybe, but all I'm asking for is a little experimenting, nothing more. You're saying that you'd turn that down Ranma-kun?" "A little?" Her grin grew wider. "Just a little. We'll talk about more details later." She left, leaving the pigtailed martial artist to curse his existence. ***************************** The next morning in the Tendo household was a peculiar one at most. Nabiki awoke with a smile on her face, her little 'project' having begun the previous evening with nice results. Kasumi was in the kitchen, preparing, and blushing from the previous evenings sound show from her little sister's room. She did hope that it didn't leave poor Ranma-kun exhausted. Tendo was reading the morning papers, still tired from the previous evening of trying to block out the sounds of what he believed was the neighbor's dog. Genma was busy chewing on a shoot, and musing over his son's sluggishness at their morning spar. He still won, but Genma knew Ranma's usual performance, and that wasn't what he witnessed earlier. Ranma was busy throwing up, his stomach pains having gotten him once more. He hoped that the stupid bug would work out of his system soon. Akane was busy jogging, wondering if she should pound him for the previous evenings escapades with her sister, or just let him sweat. The three teens headed off for school, and the day went on. ***************************** Shampoo eyed her husband warily. He still didn't notice that she was in the hallway, which said much for his state of health. Must be extremely tired, no doubt probably playing with those other harlots of his. She smiled grimly. He could play with them if he wanted, but he had business with her. She waited until he rounded a corner, being late from fighting that pitiful Kuno boy, and then pulled him into the bathroom. Ranma jumped, regained his senses, and looked at his assailant. "Shampoo? Now what could go wrong?" Shampoo just favored him with a glare. "Husband not see Shampoo in some days. Want to know why." "Not now Shampoo, I really ain't in a mood to-" He was used to pain, a simple thing to deal with really. However, he was rather surprised when she grabbed him by the balls and shoved him against the wall, letting him know just how strong of a grip that she had on him. "Husband not treat Shampoo right. I not put up with anymore. Not nice thing to do by just pleasuring and then leave. Not healthy either." Shampoo tightened her grip. "We have understanding?" Ranma nodded dumbly. "Good. So we have more time together, yes? Husband need to know proper place if he to be good husband." "Now wait a minute. What do you mean by that?" Shampoo snickered. "Ranma find out when Ranma spend more time with Shampoo. Very educational, yes?" Ranma looked at the exotic girl with apprehension. "What makes you think that I'd want to ever try that again?" "Ranma know taste of female now. Shampoo sharpen skills on stupid Mousse to make sure she not caught unknowing again." Ranma shivered, and Shampoo smiled. "See you later then, yes?" She kissed him full on the lips, gave his sack a little squeeze, and left the bathroom. Shaken, a bit scared, and strangely arouse, Ranma contemplated yet more headaches to come. Then he went to throw up in the toilets. ***************************** In Shampoo's bedroom, shackled, tied up, gagged, and in tremendous pain, Mousse was squirming against the straps, hopping his love would return soon and untie him. She had done things to him he'd never seen, and some had been blissful, but as he thought, it was definitely not a Good Thing. The leather straps gave way finally, leaving the boy to swing from a handcuffed ankle over Shampoo's bed. No, not a good thing at all. ***************************** The Ucchan that afternoon was rather slow, so it left Ukyou to think about things. It was only so many days ago, but he had accepted her finally, if only in a minor way. It was brief, but so pleasurable. Even then that wasn't the best part. He'd said he'd return. He was going to come back to her, and then they could talk, hug, cuddle, and then maybe continue where they left off. That brought a knowing smile to her face. She'd have to prepare for the occasion. She wasn't even the slightest bit discouraged by his dodging attempts of the past few days. Yup, she could picture it now. He'd rush in, sweep her off her feet, and he'd carry her upstairs where they'd... Ranma burst into the small restaurant, making Ukyou jump. He was here! Just as she'd pictured it! "Ranchan!" Ranma darted past the grill, past Konatsu, and headed straight for the bathroom. Retching sounds soon followed. Ukyou's eye twitched. ***************************** "So you're stomach's been bothering you that bad, huh?" Eventually Ranma had come out, and explained some things that had transpired, but not all of them, simply because she'd probably hurt him, and he wasn't so sure that she wouldn't anyway. "Yeah. The least of my problems, but it's getting annoying. Last time I was anywhere near this bad was a couple of days ago." Ranma frowned at what was the introduction to a whacked out weekend. "Well, that drink should settle it sugar, but you might want to get it checked out. Dr. Tofu might know a better remedy." Ukyou sat by his side, having taken him to her bedroom after the mess he made in the bathroom, and gave him a once over. "So how are things? We haven't really talked in a couple of days." Ranma looked at her, taking note of her reddening cheeks. He almost smacked himself in the head for forgetting that Ukyou was part of that weekend, in more than one way. "Listen, Ucchan. About this weekend..." She watched him fight with something internal. Well, now or never. "Ranma, it's okay." That stopped whatever building brain synapse there was in his head. "Huh?" "It's okay, what matters is you came back. You kept you're promise this time." she blushed, and plowed ahead nervously. "I mean, what happened was nice, but you came back, and that's what really matters to me." "Uh, sure Ucchan." Ranma watched her get up and shut the door, and an sense of dread came over him. "Ano... Ucchan? What are you doing?" Ukyou fumbled with her belt, and after unfastening it, sat down by Ranma, smiling nervously. "We never did get to finish what we started, right? And we've both got some time, since Konatsu's covering." She tried in vain to hide her nervousness and growing arousal. "You wouldn't mind, would you Ranchan?" He looked at her with a growing sense of dread, and sensing a familiar pattern. So this was what it was going to be? He was bed a privilege to fight over now? Kodachi, Nabiki, Shampoo, and now Ucchan? Hell, it might have been flattering to Any other male, but it wasn't doing much for his heart other than subjecting it To fear of the explosion. Everyone of them, save for Kodachi, at least KNEW that one other girl he had bedded. "Ukyou, wait. What about-" She chose that time to jump over her nerves, and into his arms to meet him into a very pleasant kiss. "That bimbo? You're with me Ranchan, not her. So what does that say about you thinking of her?" This was not going far. He was going to end it. Right after she removed her hand from his crotch. [Damn.] Ranma thought. ***************************** He was rather lucky. It didn't get far at all, but he was still stuck in volatile situation, with no real solution in mind. Ranma snuck into his room, laid on his futon, an idly wondered if this was what they meant by living hard and dying young? The day was mostly done. He didn't feel like katas, he was still a bit queasy in the stomach, he had a raging hard on that he didn't use with Ukyou, and he was paranoid of girls bursting through his room wanting another taste of what they had received. He had had quite enough, and just wanted to go to- "Ranma-kun? Could you come and help me?" Kasumi called sweetly. [It couldn't be. She wouldn't possibly.] Reluctantly, he got up and headed to the source of the call, Kasumi's room. All reassurance went out the window when he opened the door to see her in a lacy negligee, with thigh-high stockings connecting to a garter, and holding two dresses in each hand. She was blushing profusely. "Ranma-kun, I need your opinion on the dress. Do you think Tofu-san would like the red, or the blue?" Ranma pointed first to her breast, then shook his head and pointed to the blue. "Are you sure? The blue's a bit daring, and I don't want to frighten him or anything." She held the dress to her chest, turning to face her full body mirror, giving Ranma a full heavenly look at her rump. Ranma nodded, too afraid to do anything else. "Thank you Ranma-kun!" She beamed, and ran to hug him. His pigtail shot straight, and he stuttered courtesies as he walked backward out of her room, and back into his own. It took some moments, but the shell shock soon wore off, only leaving him to attempt to piece together what he had just felt... saw. Since when did Kasumi wear lingerie? Since when did she and Tofu actually go out? Since when did he fade out the detail that Kasumi could be that damn sexy? Maybe he could just... Ranma smacked himself, hard, toppling to the ground. He was not a boy. He was a man, damnit. Urges be damned, he wasn't gonna' give in to some silly flesh. He was, above all, a martial artist, and the best damn one on the planet. There might have been a few slips in control, but he was still Ranma Saotome, master of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts, and he would not lose control again. There was a sound, and he sat up from his reality check to see someone standing in the door, probably his father. Maybe he'd feel up to sparring afterall. "Payback time, baka." Damn. Figures she'd wait till the last minute to get her kicks in. "Look Akane," he started, standing on his feet fully, putting on an annoyed expression. "I really don't feel like it right now, so unless you got a good reason to blow up-" She motioned for him to stop, and he reluctantly complied. "I've got plenty of reasons; you porking my sisters for one, but I'm not here to blow up." She walked in the room, ignoring the fresh mask of confusion on his face. "I'm not even here to make it more than it's supposed to be." She took a breath, and looked at him with a frown. "The bottom line is that it was my fault that you did that to them, and who knows else while you were gone. Yeah I wanted to hurt you for it, but now I don't. I just want what's due to me." Ranma eyed her critically. "What would that be?" "You, me, and this futon. You still owe me, and I'm going to collect." Ranma's eyes went steel. "Now wait a damn minute-" She ignored him completely, instead choosing to latch the door, and undo her school uniform, letting the skirt hit the ground. "It doesn't matter. You owe me, and this is how I want to collect. And you're going to make it good Ranma Saotome, or you're going to do it again." Ranma looked at her as if a pod person had replaced her. She shimmied out of her blouse, leaving her in socks, bra, and panties, and then turned to him, beginning to unbutton the wooden knots on his shirt. "You're serious?" "I could pound you, but I want to try this." Her hands were shaky, but they never stopped, and then his shirt was off. She looked at him, seemingly searching for something in his eyes. "Well?" "...Damn Tomboy." He sighed, giving in to the female force that seemed to have dominated a great deal of his life at late. He stroked at her flesh, starting at her bare shoulders, and then down her arms. Akane shivered at his touch, but let him continue whiled she pulled his pants down. He stopped breathing for a moment when he felt his loins meet nothing but air. She was that serious? As if hearing his unspoken question, Akane stopped his roaming hands. "Well?" She asked, her breath starting to show her restlessness and anxiety. Ranma nodded numbly, and searched for the back claps to her bra, bending his head down to kiss at her shoulder at the same time. He trailed his lips up her neck, making her tilt her head back. He felt along for her hurried pulse, and finally drew her lips to his. They stayed locked, hands wandering, and then his mouth was invaded by her small darting tongue. They dueled with each other, until Akane pulled back, slightly miffed. "What now?" Ranma asked, disappointed at the break in contact. "You still haven't gotten it off. It's getting uncomfortable." Ranma frowned. Of all the... "Well, it wouldn't be so bad if I could find the snaps." "Boys. Didn't you look long enough to see it was in front?" Akane smirked as he huffed up, and grabbing the front clasp, unhooked the piece of cloth, allowing it to drop to the floor. "Back to work, Ranma." The both kneeled to the ground, Akane laid back on the futon, and Ranma now fondling her breast. He kissed at a nipple, enjoying how hard they were, and was stopped again. "Are you enjoying yourself stopping like this?" Ranma asked flatly. Akane only smirked. "Not really, but then you're having too much fun anyway. Get to the point, ne?" She pushed him off, then moved her panties out of the way, tossing them to the pile with her other clothes. Ranma positioned himself over her, and she stopped him again. "Okay, now this is getting stupid. You said you wanted to do this, not me. If you're that nervous, you can leave and let me go to sleep and forget this ever happened." She swatted him. "Baka! That's not it! I want you to tease me first." She fidgeted Nervously. "You know, with your mouth." "I thought I was already doing that?" He frowned. What was with her? "You know what I mean Ranma." "No, I don't. Would it kill you to tell me?" He crossed his arms and looked at her. "Whatever. I just want you to," She blushed, an interesting sight where there was no clothing to restrict the view of it spreading through her body. "To, uh, um... tease me down there." "Oh. So you want me to lick at you?" Ranma asked, already at the task. Akane gasped at the wet, invading organ. "Yeah, that's it." "Really?" Ranma nipped at her outer folds, darting and lapping his tongue in and out of her hole. "Mmmhmm..." The rest of Akane's sounds were incoherent, as she stopped trying, instead enjoying the new, and delightful feeling between her legs. Ranma spared nothing, prodding with fingers, licking with his tongue, and nibbling on her clitoris once it exposed itself. Her breathing grew more and more erratic and labored, and her toes curled. She was all too glad that he was so good at this. It was over swiftly. She had tried to speak, but only a squeak came out as the spasms and jerks of orgasm took her, the pigtailed boy lapping up her honey the entire time. Ranma looked at Akane's flushed face, her eyes half-lidded as she was off on some other trip into another world. "If you're done, we can continue." She focused on him, and frowned. "No longer having any fun?" "Wasn't really trying in the first place." He said nonchalantly. "I was wondering if you were satisfied so I can get some sleep." She decided not to take the argument bait. She was feeling too good. "Nope. I still want you... in me." She positioned herself, and spread her legs to allow him access. He smirked, and positioned himself at her entrance. He looked at her for confirmation, and shoved in fast, jumping a bit when Akane shook and whimpered underneath him. "Akane?" "It hurts..." He waited for her to collect herself, upon which she slapped him upside the head. Hard. "What was that for?!" He snapped. "Because it hurt stupid!" She retorted, her lower lip trembling. "It still does. You went in too fast!" "Well, I'm sorry. I'll go at your pace then." Reading his face for a moment, she nodded. "Fine. Just start slow, okay? It's still painful." He acted as commanded, slowly in and out of her, with Akane still shuddering from his thrust. It was cute, he thought, that as tough as she liked to act, that she could be so vulnerable, and still cute. It was an interesting sight to behold... Ranma grunted suddenly, feelings coursing through his body as he peaked, and came into Akane. He steadied himself on his palms, looking through a hazed vision into Akane's surprised eyes. [Figures. Couldn't have one when I wanted one, and then get one where I didn't need one. Geez...] Akane shuddered underneath him, complete surprise taking her face as she felt herself filled. She watched him refocus, and then look at her with a tinge of disappointment in his eyes, somewhat matching what she felt. "That..." She started. "Was not a problem if I get myself together." Ranma finished. He backtracked to what sent him off so quickly, thinking about how beautiful the girl under him was, her small, perky breast. The sounds and intakes of air she made after his down job on her. How he actually might not mind doing the whole thing again with her... "Keep with my pace, okay?" He said. Akane, disappointment still on her face, only nodded, and started to grind with his hips on his rhythm. She did have to admit that it felt good, but did he have to cum so early? Never-quit Saotome had no staying power? What kind of husband would he make if he couldn't- She felt the pulse, but didn't know what to make of it, since she could tell that it wasn't from her body. It quickened, enlarging within her, where she pushed against Ranma. He was up so soon? That was good, otherwise the jokes just might have begun... "Hope you weren't plannin' on making no jokes or anything, cause this ain't done yet." He trailed off, shuddering under sensitive nerves of a shaft that didn't want to be treated in such a way so suddenly. It was driving his spine up the wall. Akane, on the other hand, was loving every moment of it. Soon he was harder than he was before, and started thrusting into her with authority. Every stroke made her gasp and whimper, pain long forgotten. She wanted more of it. "Ranma... Harder, please..." She was nearing, he could tell. It was something he had learned to pick up on quick. He slowed his rhythm, lifting her into a sitting position, and began to let Akane lap-ride him. The reaction was almost instantaneous. She cried out as he thrusted deeper and deeper into her each time, and clamped on to his back in protest to how she was being stretched to match him internally. "Hey, you asked for it, right?" Ranma asked playfully. "Yeah," Akane moaned. "But it's just so...oh god..." He thrusted into her harder, and she clamped her nails into his back, straining to keep up with his pounding. He was vaguely aware of Nabiki doing the same thing, but he was fully aware of Akane's repetition of the maneuver. "Damnit Akane! Get your nails out my back!" Akane didn't reply, instead moaning louder and louder, and then with a drawn out whimper, orgasmed. Her rippling vaginal muscles did much to stop Ranma's thrusting, and eventually succeeded, sending Ranma into a second, even harder orgasm of his own. Spent, the two fell back on the futon, silly grins on both their faces. After A moment of trying to regain their composure, Akane was the first to rise, Crossing her arms underneath her breast. "That was horrible Ranma." Saotome's jaw hung like a gaped fish. "What? What do you mean?" "You hurt me, didn't listen to me, and then had the nerve to cum only a bare minute after entering me. The finale was nice, but the whole ordeal needs work." She shook her head sadly, her smile going predatory. "You'll just have to keep it up until you perform to satisfactory." She gathered her things and dressed, and he did the same, still stunned and confused. She pulled her panties up last, and smoothing out her skirt, left the room, and the confounded martial artist for the evening. ***************************** [She thinks I need work, so she's gonna' keep this up. Nabiki wants to experiment, so she's gonna keep after me. Ucchan and Shampoo, and then Kodachi... Geez.] Ranma lay on his futon watching the sun set, trying to sort things through. Any way he looked at it, it was a dead end. All of them, save Kasumi (he hoped), wanted another piece of him, and was using something over his head. But then again, they were more or less after him before, with more or less good reasons over his head still. The level was just higher now. He was beginning to entertain the idea that the 'explosion' he was so worried about would not happen, as long as they were all satisfied. They had to quit at some time anyway, right? They couldn't possibly try to hold him accountable for their personal toy, could they? No figuring it out, at least not now. Better to rest anyway. Cursing the gods once more since the fiasco began, Ranma turned over in his futon, and went to sleep. "Oh Ranma-kun. It's that time." Or tried to anyway. "Damn girls." He grumbled. ***************************** And that's a rap. Fin. Done. Wai. I can sleep again. Now that the exaggerations are over, to the notes. This was in its original intentions, to see how much I could torture one chaotic character by the name of Ranma Saotome, as well as see if I could actually write a sexually explicit story without grossing myself out. I mostly succeeded with the first chapter, and decided to post it somewhere to be read and reviewed. The results were a bit staggering. I sent out a snowball, and I didn't expect for it to keep rolling. But roll it did, picking up a following that wasn't spectacular, but I am a beginner writer, and not one used to that lovely nectar they call response. The demand was to continue, so continue I did. I drafted out an eight-chapter plan, and with some revisions, cut it to seven full chapters (five main, an epilogue, and a side story). Then came the fun/hard part, actually writing all of it. At times it got frustrating, since it seemed it was the only fiction piece I could work on that would turn out some results, and it became disheartening, leading me to take month breaks from it. In the end, considering the extreme (even considering this story) directions this fiction piece could have taken, I'm satisfied with what I've turned out. Believable when it counts, and still fun to read. Also, writing this just showed me what kind of kinky, expressive imagination I could possess when I put effort into the situation. For the future, I have other pieces to work on, some long overdue. This isn't my last romp into Rumiko Takahashi's little universe, and I look forward to other spins that my mind can come up with to that universe. I might entertain the thought of a revision later, but for now, I think I'll just take a drink, and get to other things. Back to the Hack I go. Lasha and ja ne! -K. Murasaki 5/28/01