Roles and Duties of the Toastmaster of the Day


The main duty of the Toastmaster is to act as a genial host and conduct the entire program, including the introduction of participants.


Before the meeting:

1.       Call VP Education

·              Check on program changes

·              Find out theme for meeting

2.       Call Table Topics Master

·              Discuss duties with Table Topics Master.

·              Ask him/her to try to prepare topics that fit the theme of the meeting.

·              Make sure he/she has the agenda  with list of program  participants to ensure they are not chosen.

3.       Call all the Speakers

·              Remind them they are speaking

·              Have them send you their introductions or interview them to find their:

Ø           speech title and purpose

Ø           manual & project number

Ø           time required by project

Ø           other topics of interest about them

4.       Call the General Evaluator

·              Ask her/him to call the other members of the evaluation team (speech evaluators, timer, grammarian) to remind them of their responsibilities

5.       Call the Grammarian

·              Remind him/her to select a word-of-the-day (preferably one that fits with the theme of the meeting).

6.       Call the Timer to remind him/her of the assigned role.

7.       Prepare remarks to bridge the gaps between program segments


During the meeting:

1.       The Presiding Officer will turn the meeting over to you.    Shake hands with the Presiding Officer when you go to the podium.

2.       Greet your fellow toastmasters and guests.

3.       Make any comments that you wish to about the meeting.

4.       Introduce the Grammarian and ask him/her to give us the word-of-the day and explain the Grammarians duties.

5.       Introduce the Timer and ask him/her to explain the duties of the Timer.

6.       Introduce each speaker in turn.   Remember to shake each one’s hand as they come up to the podium and when they leave the podium.

7.       Introduce the Table Topics Master and ask them to come to the podium for the Table Topics session.  Shake his/her hand when they come up to the podium and when they leave.

8.       Introduce General Evaluator and turn meeting over to him/her. Shake his or her hand when the arrive at the podium.

9.       After the evaluation session, the General Evaluator will turn the meeting back over to you.   Shake his/her hand when they leave the podium.

10.   Make any closing remarks you wish to make, then turn the meeting back over to the Presiding Officer.  Shake the Presiding Officer’s hand when you turn the meeting over to him/her.


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