CHECKLIST for when you are the . . .





The timer documents the times for table topics, speeches and evaluations

Ø       Confirm the time for each speech

Ø       Be familiar with and test the timing equipment

Ø       Record the times on the Timer’s Report


READ:            "Meeting Roles & Responsibilities" in the Communication & Leadership Manual,


One of the purposes of Toastmasters is to teach people to express thoughts within a specific time interval.  The Timer is responsible for monitoring time during the meeting and emphasizing the importance of time to everyone.  Each segment of the meeting is timed. 


Before the Meeting


·         Confirm scheduled agenda participants with the Toastmaster and General Evaluator.

·         Confirm the time required for each prepared speech with the Speakers.

·         Prepare a brief explanation of the Timer's duties for the benefit of guests and new members.

·         Study Page 2 in order to understand the lengths of times for each segment.


Upon Arrival at the Meeting            


·         Ask the Sergeant-at-Arms for the timing cards and stopwatch.  Practice operating them.

·         Make sure the timing card is placed where those at the lectern can easily see it, but is not obvious to others in the room.


During the Meeting


·         On the attached "TIMERS REPORT FORM", record each Speaker's name and the time used.

·         Give a report of times when called upon by either the Toastmaster or General Evaluator.  (This should be after each segment of the meeting.)


After the Meeting


·         Return timing cards and stopwatch to the Sergeant-at-Arms.


SPEECHES   (There is always a 30 second leeway on either side)


                                                          ____________ TURN CARDS AT ____________

                                                            GREEN                      WHITE                       RED

             4   -    6 minutes                      4 min                           5 min                           6 min


             5   -    7 minutes                      5 min                           6 min                           7 min


             8   -   10 minutes                     8 min                           9 min                           10 min


           10   -   12 minutes                     10 min                          11 min                          12 min


·        For longer speeches consult with the Speaker for Light Requirements.



TABLE TOPICS (Must speak at least 1 minute and not more than 2 minutes & 30 seconds)


                                                          ____________ TURN CARDS AT ____________

                                                            GREEN                      WHITE                       RED

                                                             1 min                          1 1/2  min                      2 min




EVALUATORS    (Must speak at least 1 minute and no more than 3 minutes & 30 seconds)


Your report in this section will include the Speech Evaluators and the General Evaluator when he  starts the General Evaluation portion of the meeting.

                                                          ____________ TURN CARDS AT ____________

                                                            GREEN                      WHITE                       RED

                                                             2 min                          2 1/2  min                      3 min



IMPORTANT:  If any speaker goes more than two minutes over his allotted time, the black card should be displayed to let the speaker know he must end his speech immediately.  (Every minute we lose makes someone late for work.)


Example:  If a speech is to go 5 to 7 minutes, the speaker is allowed to speak to 9 minutes.  If the speaker should beyond 9 minutes, then display the black card.  A speaker who speaks beyond the black card does not receive credit for his speech.


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