CHECKLIST for when you are the . . .




Summary of Duties:

A major portion of each meeting is centered on three or more speakers

·        Get theme for meeting from Topics Master



READ:        Your Project Assignment in your Manual

                        "Meeting Roles & Responsibilities" in Communication & Leadership Program Manual Pages 70 – 71.


Don't wait until your name appears on the Assignment Sheet as a Speaker to begin thinking about and formulating your speeches.


Be jotting down ideas and composing outlines constantly so that when your name comes up on the Assignment Sheet, you are ready to begin polishing and practicing. 


Have a "HIP POCKET" speech ready so that you are able to give it at a moment's notice.  Someone may cancel on the agenda and YOU WILL BE READY.


Look ahead in your Communication and Leadership Program Manual or your advanced manuals to help you make decisions about what speeches go where.



Before the Meeting


·        Speak to your evaluator and share with him which manual speech you will be giving. 

IMPORTANT:  If you are working from an advanced manual, mail your evaluator a copy of the   project.  The evaluator should be as familiar with the requirements of the project as the speaker in order to give a beneficial evaluation.


·        Discuss with your Evaluator your speech goals and personal concerns.  (What you think your strengths and weaknesses are.)


·        Talk to the Toastmaster of the Day about your Introduction.  Prepare a written introduction to bring to the meeting.   Use the attached "INTRODUCTION FORM" for your convenience.



Upon Arrival at the meeting        ARRIVE 15 MINUTES EARLY


·        Hand the Toastmaster of the Day a typed or neatly printed copy of your introduction.


·        Give your manual to your Evaluator.


·        Make sure your Visual Aids are ready before meeting begins.



During the Meeting


·        Sit near the front of room in order to walk to the Lectern quickly and easily.


·        Avoid studying your speech notes when someone else is talking.


·        As you begin your speech always acknowledge the Toastmaster of the Day and the audience.  When you complete your speech, do not say "Thank you".  Instead, return control of the meeting back to the Toastmaster by saying, "Madam/Mister Toastmaster."


·        Always wait at the lectern to shake hands with the Toastmaster before returning to your seat.


After the Meeting


·        Retrieve your Manual from the Evaluator and discuss any questions you might have concerning the speech.


·        Have the Vice President of Education initial your Manual on the "Record of Assignment" page in the back of your Manual (Page 56).


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