Rules and Information of NLR

Before sending your application to NLR, we ask that you carefully read through these rules and regulations. It will only take you thirty seconds but it is in that time that you will learn the basics of NLR and how we run. Remember that these rules must be followed at all times.

If you are "lucky" enough to get accepted onto the NLR roster you will go through a one month temporary contract. This gives NLR Creative time to evaluate your skills as drawable talent, and you time to figure out if you want to stay with us.

1. EVERYONE sending an application to the NLR MUST! send a Sample RP or you will not be accepted.

2. EVERYONE sending an application to the NLR MUST! send a Sample RP or you will not be accepted. Think you saw this before? You did. We're not saying it again.

3. The Next Level Revolution is open to only original, "indy" wrestlers.

4. The NLR will not be keeping track of a win/loss record. If you'd like to do that, then go on ahead. The archives will be available for all to see as to what matches you've been in. Your characters contention level will be based upon their position on the cards...

5. There is a three roleplay per show you are on limit.

6. There is no PG -13 level in the Next Level Revolution. We take all styles of RPs' and have obtained an X-rating we proudly bare...

7. Feel free to be expressive in your roleplays. People should expect the unexpected here in NLR and people will not be turned away if they're trying.

8. The cards, (Mobscene/Violence) are written in WWE Results style format, but there are two shows per week. All PPVs will be Full "Kick In The Ass" Results. The NLR has a proven history with Stunning Pay-Per-Views, and we promise to push the boundries to something you haven't seen.

9. While "Shooting" You may not use anyone else�s character without receiving approval from the handler, and any "abuse" of Staff characters must be approved by a member of the staff.

10. If You're Are Booked In A Match and you have to quit, leave, jump ship to another fed, You will still have to wrestle your match regardless before leaving the company completely, Period.

11. Any Champion who has a title, and then withdraws from the fed before the next show, will be assigned to one final match to lose the title. This is to negate title vacancies. Any title forfeitures must be approved by the President before being announced.

12. This is a business built around egos. It's ok to have an ego, IN CHARACTER. However, Out Of Character, if you want to be a dick, and stir the pot, go elsewhere. We pride ourselves on being able to have discussion without argument, and good natured ribbing without explosions. Please respect your fellow handlers, and try to keep things civil at the very least. You WILL refrain from using the OOC board for confrontations, or you will not be on the NLR roster. Any specific complaints about results or issues between handlers should be addressed to the staff privately. (And not on the boards.)

13. Don't bitch about losing. If you lost it is because your opponent roleplayed better, sometimes it's close, if you have a problem talk to the owner.

If you have any questions feel free to contact any member of the staff..

Updated 05/31/06 - by The Board of Directors

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